Kebab Warrior Breakdown - Dual Wield Arms

Hey cool build man, thanks for sharing.

(Also, I had no idea low test nerds were this salty over a 15 year old fantasy game still. Absolutely pathetic.)


What are you talking about, lol? The top Dps are all dw fury… And it’s not even close. Miley only shows up in the top 20 because their raid has some of the fastest clear times in the world across the board

it’s still the highest dps. Our warrior has tried it and it’s pretty much identical to his DW fury spec and miles ahead of 2h arms


Lol, I mean statistically its clearly not. And you said its #4 when its not even top 20. And Miley is slam spec actually… so I’m not seeing a kebab in the top 200. I checked the top 10 or so arms specs and none of them are kebab even.

So again… play what you want etc. But also call a spade a spade…

man you’re goofy. are you saying all the top arms logs are 2h? if so, you’re just wrong and aren’t looking. lol i’ve got 5x top 50 dw arms kara logs (most without reck) and im top 300~ overall with an average 25 man raid.

many people that have helped theorycraft this build have already cracked top 100, top 50, top 15, and top 5 as dw arms.


Yea. I don’t have time to scour all 50 DW arms logs to find the 5 that happened to be meming with kebab that week.

You keep saying that. But unless they did it quietly without logging you’re pretty demonstrably wrong.

I want dagger fury to be a thing. Two 1.3 speed daggers. Oh, the spam! The spam! HEROIC STRIKEEEEEE!!!


look up my warrior, crilton, ff, hardcaw, ryy, etc.

Crilton is Dw fury.

and he’s also played dw arms at a very high level. he’s the #4 overall arms parse as dw maces (not even highest simming set) on mag.

hell noiselessness at #3 is running dw axe arms as orc. literally #3 and #4 mag parses are dw.

slam vs kebab holy kek

Noiselessness is #85. Well below both Miley and Joxx, who were both arms and he’s slam in his highest Gruul kills. Like Crilton, with their clear times and relative skill they could dw green axes and still show up in the top 100, that wouldn’t suddenly make green axes bis. But look, if you wanna be Kebab thats fine lol. Doesn’t impact me one iota. Nice video

Just a bunch of wanna be rogues!

Chop stick rogue > kebab warrior

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noiselessness is literally #3 on mag. what are you even looking at dude? lol

#3 what? He’s not number 3 warrior, or dps warrior. He may be #3 arms warrior, but he was already at a comparable position as a slam warrior before because he’s in a pumper guild. On that same run the rogue literally parsed a 100 lol. He could come memeing in greens and still pull pinks, that doesn’t mean everyone should suddenly run greens.


You know what? I don’t care, nice video. Even if it wasnt you who came up with it glad people are still thinking outside the box even in a 15 year old game

He’s the #85 Warrior?

#3 arms is what was stated. L2read.

PvE seemed a lot cooler before parses and simming. Now the game feels like a program lol, you guys should all switch to PvP. Cool build though.


Literally not what was “stated” L2read.