Karazhan Chess Bug

Still an issue. I run it every Tuesday for my druid mog, all I need are the boots. A month or so ago when I started farming the set , but ever since the start of Nov its been bugging out for me. I get the notification to be saved to instance.

Update: 11/26 I just did the chest event and I was able to loot the chest and the save to instance window never appeared.
I did Kill all of the other pieces first then Killed the enemy’s King. Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but I figured I would include that bit of information.

Yeah. Trying to complete the Demon Stalker set on Hunter. Months later and still pretty bugged to the skies. It’s been reported since ~June '19. Time to get this fixed or something done with it.

Just tried to complete it now. Still broken. No word from anyone at Blizzard. I get that it’s old content, but it’s frustrating to be unable to complete transmog sets because you can’t loot after completing the encounter.

Not only still broken and unlootable, but now the Game In Session debuff is persisting all the way to Prince’s room making him unattackable.

Tried dying and when I came back in did not have the GiS debuff, however, as soon as I entered the chess room, I got the debuff back, the chest was not lootable, & the GiS followed me to Prince’s room again.

On the EU forums Tizaksul (mod) says they’re aware of it https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/karazhan-chess-event-loot-bug/60804/30? but I mean, wow…

I just ran on my mage.
Not only it not lootable the debuff does not go away once ya finished wining the chess game. Accorting to an addon i have it been boken since they put in legacy loot and also says in dire maul west chest is also unlootable due to legacy loot.

just happened to me as well…
cant loot chest after the chess event ends and cant attack Prince

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Just wanted to bump this, it happened to me twice this week.

Happened to me yesterday – couldn’t loot the reward from him after defeating him on Horde side.

Talking to Med and resetting the event drops the silenced debuff. Also, if you run up to the terrace before the larger mob and camp out and back, you drop it. Going downstairs brings it back as an FYI. But you can kill the Prince.

I ran it 4 times this week. Was able to loot once. Other 3 times it treated me like I joined a raid in progress and no loot.

You would think they would have fixed this by now for the love of god!!! this is a joke, its the most simple fix GIVE US A WAY TO HARD RESET THE BUGGED VERSION OF THE FIGHT!!!

Its been years and they still haven’t bothered to fix it?
and to top it off they steer players to the place with the hivemind mount? WTF wouldnt you do anything to try and drive players away from the buggy mess!!!

I can confirm that as of May 19th, Kara is now working. I have run it twice with different results and both times, no instance notification, and lootable chest.

I finally got the final piece for my transmog set! and with it, 2 achievements. Been at it for a long time…