Kalimdor Cup is Awesome

Hmmm, I’m sure I checked there yesterday and didn’t see it…but it’s definitely there today. Thanks for the info.

Oh. that’s too bad. Thanks though.

Oh, whoops! Not sure how I missed that!

Yes, there will be rewards for Eastern Kingdoms Cup that were not in Kalimdor Cup.


Is there any other zones besides EK that might have races?

I think theres outland ones.

The racing cup holidays will rotate through several continents and eventually loop back to Kalimdor Cup again.


Northrend, Outland, and Pandaria races incoming? :eyes:


That is good to now. Pass on the feedback that is a good event to get people into old zones. I think it would have been nice if primalist invasions and time rifts could have happened in old zones as well.


Agreed, but only on the condition that they had gotten dragonriding to work there first.

Being forced into snail flight to get to these races is awful enough, having to do it for more current content would be even worse.


Was there a cookie crumb quest for this?

I just went over and started looking for flags just to, you know, race the courses. I didn’t know there was more to it. I’ve just done 4 so far.

I didn’t know there was any actual rewards or anything. Wonder if I’m even collecting the currency yet. Don’t remember it telling me there was a reward, but maybe it happened, I wasn’t looking for it.

I have no expectation of getting gold on any of the advanced courses, I can’t seem to do that in Dragon Isles.

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If the racing holidays has proven the server infrastructure is coded robust enough, they should be able to implement the flight mode toggling system soon after.

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If you don’t have all your Dragon Riding knowledge, does that affect how it works in races?

Just thinking for the Holiday event you could give all racers max KP/talents when performing the races. Just thinking about new or returning players trying it out.

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Theres a backup rental mount if the main DF mounts are not in your selections yet.


ETA until dragonriding is opened in old world permanently?


You get a single currency per completion per difficulty. If you complete a race at normal and get gold you are rewarded 3 currencies. Then you go and do the races on advanced and get gold that’s 3 more currencies you can earn.

I think there is a potential to earn 6 tokens per racing flag provided you get gold.

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It will be a fair while before they drop a date.

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Can you give any hints to how Soon™ dragonriding will be fully allowed in the rest of the game?

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What if I say “Pretty Please?”

Seems like it should be nine per location, since you can do it in reverse as well.

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  1. 3 for normal, 3 for advanced, and 3 for reverse