Kalecgos is annoying

If this chump mentions family one more time I think I’m going…

God, why were these dragons written in such a way? They’re down right insufferable! Blizzard, NEVER TELL ME HOW A CHARACTER FEELS. Show me instead.

Good grief, this is something taught in a freshman Creative Writing course.


Vin Diesel intensifies.


Question is, who is getting triggered by this? I’m not looking for a name, I’m just curious. What causes someone to go into a mental flat spin when NPCs have families and friends?


Kalecgos: Aspect of Soup and Family


You’d be surprised how often the blatantly obvious will woosh over the head of the typical player.


Those who don’t get invited to the Weekly Neighborhood Gumbo Cookouts and BBQs.


I complained about this sort of thing and got flagged and my entire post removed. Careful.

Welcome to anime writing. FF14 is right over there if you want another dose of it.

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“I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family”



It’s literally all he says. During the blue flight and even the raid…can he, I dunno, maybe develop something even close to an actual personality? He’s completely unrelatable. Despite being an ancient dragon he’s got the personality of a 14 year old insecure adoptee.

Reply to Boredumb: LOL! That made me laugh out loud, nice post :slight_smile:


hes suppose to be the “hot dense anime guy” dragon. nothing more or less

Exposition is the term you are looking for. It is a terrible writing trend that comes and goes out of fashion in many media outlets; be it video games, shows or movies. Often times, it is due to the audiences of different generational gaps either lack media literacy and need things explained to them in lengthy detail, to even those who have their attention span being much shorter and quick blurts of details are spoken so a plot can move forward.

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I prefer kalec over Pelagos, god that character SUCKS


For most of the quest line in Azure Span he seemed far more interested finding lay lines. He then had that experiece with the Tuskarrs that made him relize how much he missed his family of blue dragons which he then reunited.

It makes perfect sense that he would be happy about it.


He does have a personality. Dragonflight was just him realizing bro didn’t really have that family connection in his flight.

You’re ignoring all the previous history and stories with him.


That’s what I said :smirk:

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Perhaps. I just found him to be incredibly shallow, boring, and dull. As a rule I’m actually tired of Blizzard characters telling me how they feel–looking at you Chromie. I really want a return to good narrative writing. Show me. Never tell me, but show me.


Y’all are killing me with the memes

In a sense, lol. Really wondering what Animes you’re watching that have exposition in it lol, want to keep them VA’s paycheck at a reasonable amount and not endlessly blabber on lol.

FFXIV is pretty spot on though, it does get rather lengthy in their writing instead of showing and moving on.

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