Kalecgos Alliance Reconnections

Lolais, human female mage. Raided with Horde Solutions Inc with Anjele (priest) and Uzbad (warrior) at the lead.

Hey Dindrel, not sure if i remember you, but the name sounds familiar! I had a good friend back then named “Nofaris”, think he was in Kali Compton. “Sweetcheecks” the gnome warrior was some fun times. I no lifed back then wayyy too much so there’s really too many names to list.

Check out the warcraftrealms website, find a guild and check Ex-Members. Has a great list for Horde Solutions Inc. Lots of great names I remember.

Good times back then…

Wow! I was not expecting anyone to actually reply on here. haha. That is pretty awesome. I do remember Illeanu, and you as well! I think that guild was called Monkey Wrench? I believe Sassyvixen (human mage) was the guild leader of Deadly Vixens. Any idea if any of them are still playing these days? Or anyone else from Deadly Vixens? I’ve become invested in seeing how many people I can find with this tool. lol

Anidanis from Knights Empyrean

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Hey whats up Metalsonic!

That’s right, Sassyvixen… and Monkey Wrench. Wasn’t there a V2 of Monkeys under a different name? I don’t recall - I pretty much avoided the drama and followed Illeanu, but she doesn’t play anymore. My last guild was Immemorial and they all switched servers, so the guild is a ghost town now. I don’t know anyone still playing; I am pretty much solo now. And Kalecgos is like 90% horde, so world pvp sucks.

Use to run a guild with my brother -Linkage- -Devious Empire-
lots of lulz and some Bosses got killed … died to TBC
Meet in RL for Tacos on raid nights

CloaknDagger. I see a few names floating around in here I remember seeing, conquest and awakening guilds are the only ones i can recall clearly before TBC, anyone alive out there hope you’re all doing well still hit me up if you feel like it, respect to the old server.


I remember you, sharing is caring was the slogan we had for you if i’m not mistaken, I wasn’t there for the rag kill as i’d moved on but back then i knew the majority of people there for a lot of it, glad to see someone’s still around, hope all’s well.

Haha, I remember them. I raided with HSI under the name “Griever”. Human Rogue.


Kimbelina, Human Warrior from Roggle
if anyone from it still plays do drop me a pm :slight_smile:

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Are yall going to be playing? add me on discord if you can Rusty_Shackleford#7096

Sokthar - Human Warlock

I was guildless but raided with Validus. They wouldn’t let me join because I said I was friends with Tetsujin. Too funny.

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Caliegh/Brökk Dwarf Warrior. I can’t remember the guild name but Munesli was GM and we had the ONE SUNDA WONDA Hahussle, Famedil, Fbill, Popebarley, Deeznutz… that’s all i can remember.

Prolly gunna roll Horde on Herod for classic.


Oh hey! It sounds familiar? I think I recall the name flashy. I havnt seen anyone else yet tho it looks like!

I remember Illeanu and the messes that followed her lol.

Very long time Munesli & Hahussle I have on battle net. Haven’t seen them on yet.

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I’m going Horde on Herod also.

I put a couple screen shots up above from vanilla Kalecgos take a look and see if you recognize anyone :slight_smile: what char did you play back then and the name?

You sir have a bad Memory. Our guild was called Invictus. Deau was our glorious French-Canadian MT. I was a better paladin than Fooz (a funnier one at least). I think you dislike me because the Agi/Crit neck went to a paladin instead of a hunter.

Whats up Stormdevil, it is Steallth. I have been trying to get into contact with them for years. :disappointed_relieved:. What are their battletags?