Imbah, That guild was Highlanders.
Uther, Paladin, guild -> Deadly Vixens. Ran with some really fun people in this guild, if anyone remembers playing together shoot me a message! I will be back on classic at launch.
Oye balsero, I knew you’d come back for classic! Daleeeeee
Msi - Human Priest, The Misfits, Kill on Sight, Kali Compton
Redrose - T2 Rogue who ran with the guild < Death Calls > Bunch of dudes out of Singapore where id wake up at like 3 am to raid MC and BWL with! Some of the best memories ive had gaming!
Friends I remember were yellowfintun, Porkchopps, Kuvanni, and Rizzowick.
Xanadu… and Validus, that brings me back for sure. I remember him rolling around with tier 3 from nax.
Hey dude! Yea! Most def
I remember you too Steallth, exciting seeing old faces pop up.
Cordio, dwarf priest, here from Highlanders/Fools of Fate
OMG BRO!!! Qurr is still with her husband from back then (Navarr) and we are still friends bro!!! holy crap<3 -flashy
cLxQEjq <— thats the IMGUR to my Screenshot of my mage. If anyone wants to check it out back in Vanilla days ive also got a bunch of screen shots from < Exiled > our first Hakkar kill sadly I have none back when I was running Naxx with Validus and Xanadu
Falconpunch, Kindred (guild)
Human Rogue, forgot most names but we had a nice friendly family for years…
Werent you in Exiled also? I remember the name ima have to look at my screenies name sounds super familiar.
Dindrel/Moonkinfuzz. I was a NE druid. I played with Anjele(human female priest and Uzbad(dwarf warrior). We were in the guild Paragon I believe? I forget our original guild name :(. We battled a lot with “Farm status” guild
Wow these names take me back
Tecciztecatl - Druid formerly of Rise to Power
Steallth & Amonamorte definitely remember you two
Found a few more pics of old Kalecgos… Exileds first Hakkar downing (check out the names in the screen or if anyone can enhance the screen shots to make the names clearer) Also a pic of how us higher pvpers would farm gold fast… 3 man strat for orbs worked real well with Hizzo and Flashy (rank 14 war and 12 mage) and my druid buddy we got so good we could clear it under 20 mins and sold runs for 100g apiece.
These are the imgur links so just put them at the end of the imgur url since I cant link directly.
Weren’t you in Exiled also? Name is super familiar.
Bcupz here,
I used to be a decent Enchanter but my real specialty was keys. Needed a key to a dungeon? Got it. Needed a special item for a secret boss? Had it. Was known as a very mercenary-like person and a lot has changed in (how many?) years. Looking to refind some old friends.
Txbone, NE Hunter. Knights Empyrean
Daloric, human warrior. I was in your guild, i remember you calorne lol
Hey Uther! I remember you. I joined Deadly Vixens as Kimbere (human mage) at the end of Vanilla and into BC. Was friends with Illeanu (druid boomkin/healer). Later switched to my main Dominix (human pally) and joined a few other guilds, forget the names. ?? Monkeys, Sanctus Imperium, Immemorial, etc. Still playing on Kalecgos in BfA.