Kalecgos Alliance Reconnections

Spartakus, gnome warrior. Resident french-canadian with Deau. I stopped playing a bit after TBC came out. Came back only for WotLK. I made my old gnome warrior on Earthfury in Classic. Hit me up if you wanna chat!

Alliance holy priest named Coblobstoy. Was an officer in Highlanders along w/ our main tank Imabanana. We had a great rogue officer named Iramet, who was friends w/ Neith & Ansatsu (Validus). Eventually joined Fools of Fate for the long haul through Vanilla–>BfA. Now playing Classic on Netherwind maining an alliance rogue named Cawb in honor of Iramet. Anyone remember the female dwarf named Chunky that would dominate the AH? lol

its blarvin! whats good man! its cintel!

Late Druid Validus.

Still have an old video I made on YouTube, search “Validus vs C’thun” for some horrible noob editing :blush: