Lost my old account, but my battletag is Adenaron#1801
Sup Exhalted, any other TR people coming back?
Wow, so many familiar names on here. Hope everyone is doing well and wish you all the best!
Lindsey!!! Long time bud!
Hawliger here - clothadin pally from back in the day. Man that list of names just brought back so many memories, not to mention some of the other people i’m recognizing on here. I’m on Incendious server with a few friends (I go by the name Stik now). Playing paladin again of course!
Lol I remember you, somebody reported your name and you had to change it to fathercupz
Omg we raided together before, I played a gnome mage in Conquest called Powerfull
I remember you clearly. You were a pally only by title but looked and healed like a priest (which said a lot back then) in this little number from AQ http://us.battle.net/wow/en/item/21663 (robes of the guardian saint)
<3 Shady
Lindsay!!? You mean that squishy OT with thunderfury? Nahh doesn’t ring a bell. (FYI you should add Shadyhealer to that long list of healers you mentioned )
- Hawliger again (Human Clothadin), posting on my Classic WoW main.
Haha, Shadyhealer! Another name that will live on forever. Reading this forum is bringing back just as many memories and nostalgia as re-playing Classic WoW again. Does anyone have any screenshots from those glory days!?? I’d love to see some.
oh wow Pbr / Overon / Grovel … sup guys
its Reboor (female human priest) also from Validus
I was the Australian with the deep voice
so many names I still remember.
Alexander (or Mors as he was also known pre transfer) - GM of Validus - rogue
Gwyd - mage
Redo - officer - pally healer
Xanadu - officer - main tank
Tella - mage that got the mount after opening AQ doors
best of times
Hey man, you playing classic on Oceanic servers?
I’m on Yojamba/Horde over there.
Arbitur, Human, Mage. Vereor. Where’s my crew at??
orly - I’m horde on Yojamba as well
Rebad troll priest (lvl 35atm)
Hey!! I remember you!! I was in Monkey Wrench, NE Hunter Biznitch, and Blaze.
Hey! What server are you on for classic?
I’ll add you when I get home man @Reboor/Rebad. Weird we both stuck with our old classes…
When you catch up in levels a little I’ll hit you up for some dungeon goodness.
Fantar NE warrior Rampant Sugar#1811
Still with that one sunda thing eh ?
Yo Kimmy.
I remember raiding with you. Marsby - Gnome Mage.
I think we reconnected in BC when a mate and I xferred to an Oceanic server and you were running a guild and took us in…potentially on Barthilas.
Yoooo Spartakus here! I miss Invictus <3