Kaldorei Revenge:How long?

11/14/2018 10:46 AMPosted by Ariël
hould be subjected to "punishment" for something we frankly didn't ask

Night Elves players have been being punished for their race since Vanilla WoW. At this point, we just want a win. We are owed that. If you don't like it, then stop playing Horde.
11/14/2018 08:07 AMPosted by Hahahahahaha
11/14/2018 07:49 AMPosted by Yrithe

We were talking about Delaryn.

Sira didn't even want to be a leader, apparently, lol. But about her, how is she crazy or illogical as a warfront commander? I haven't played it on PTR, I'm just curious if something came up in her dialog.
She spends 24/7 screaming about people abandoning her and that's why she wants to help her murders murder her friends and family. Tyrande abandoned her, Maiev abandoned her, Elune abandoned her.

It's absurd because she acts like she's Kerrigan left to the Zerg by Mengst. But no one abandoned her, they LOST the war. The only person who abandoned anyone was Anduin, who ordered the evacuation of Kalimdor at the first sign of Horde aggression instead of sending reinforcements.

Having sent everything including the kitchen sink on Kalimdor to Silithus, he had nothing left to send. Even if there were troops left to send from the East without making Stormwind vulnerable, it takes TIME to cross the ocean against the Maelstrom (Why Blizzard do your ships always sail AGAINST IT? :) and they would not have gotten there in time to do any good.
11/14/2018 09:47 AMPosted by Darethy
Summermoon is not inspiring to Forsaken players, we do not know who she is. We do not know if in undeath she is brave, or tactical, she is DEFINITELY not humorous in her current iteration. I won't say she'll be a bad character off the bat, but i'd rather have a Lordanian human then a Kaldorei ranger.

I haven't been playing the PTR because I really didn't want to overly spoil things for myself and my play time is limited in any case. I am looking forward to playing both sides, just as I do here.
11/14/2018 11:15 AMPosted by Drahliana
Having sent everything including the kitchen sink on Kalimdor to Silithus, he had nothing left to send. Even if there were troops left to send from the East without making Stormwind vulnerable, it takes TIME to cross the ocean against the Maelstrom (Why Blizzard do your ships always sail AGAINST IT? :) and they would not have gotten there in time to do any good.
In the 2 "Toasting of Teldrassil" short stories, they have portals moving thousands of people out of Teldrassil for days/weeks. Couldn't they have moved thousands of troops there instead of immediately abandoning it? Those troops could have held it longer for an evacuation after if it came to that.
11/14/2018 11:02 AMPosted by Hahahahahaha
11/14/2018 10:46 AMPosted by Ariël
Look people. I can understand you have been badly treated by the clowns writting this 10th rate story
Your Indian name would be "Dances With Forum Bans". Speaking the truth isn't allowed here!

I'll humbly accept such a name and the sacrifice that comes with it...
11/14/2018 11:06 AMPosted by Akiyass
11/14/2018 10:46 AMPosted by Ariël
hould be subjected to "punishment" for something we frankly didn't ask

Night Elves players have been being punished for their race since Vanilla WoW. At this point, we just want a win. We are owed that. If you don't like it, then stop playing Horde.

The joke's on you, dear. Keep cattering to Blizz, cause they will continue treating you like trash if they feel like it.

Punching other players won't solve tha lack of creativity nor brains in the writting team, it will just make people stop playing and the game worse by proxy of less financial income, period.
11/14/2018 11:36 AMPosted by Ariël
Punching other players won't solve tha lack of creativity nor brains in the writting team, it will just make people stop playing and the game worse by proxy of less financial income, period.

or blizzard will give them what they want and start treating other players that aren't nelfs like garbage, they also pay for the game. why is you statement more valid than hers?

i don't think that i am being unreasonable when i ask to get a better story even at the cost of others,because that is literally what is happening now with the nelfs.
*War of thorns happens, and apparently is not important to have even a single dialogue from tyrande but rather to have CGI cinematic about sadfang being sad for committing another genocide.
apparently the victim is not important, but rather focusing in ThE BEsT OF ThE HoRdE even when they actually are the bad guys.

i understand if horde players didn't have hand on it, but neither the nelfs players.
11/14/2018 11:45 AMPosted by Etheldald
i don't think that i am being unreasonable when i ask to get a better story even at the cost of others,

Ideally, the story is spread around so everyone has ups and downs.

*War of thorns happens, and apparently is not important to have even a single dialogue from tyrande but rather to have CGI cinematic about sadfang

Can we please stop complaining about this now that Nelves are getting a whole patch devoted to their reactions to the WoT?
11/14/2018 12:29 PMPosted by Kintha
Ideally, the story is spread around so everyone has ups and downs.

i agree.
11/14/2018 12:29 PMPosted by Kintha
Can we please stop complaining about this now that Nelves are getting a whole patch devoted to their reactions to the WoT?

that was only an example to help my point. and it still isn't a cgi cinematic, but that is just me, i don't care about sadfand or little about anduin, but look, not 1,but 2 cgi cinematics.
because that is exactly what we need...

On the lead up to the War of Thorns, the alliance players got a brand new leader to rally around, you followed her from her battlefield commission following the massacre at Astranaar all the way up to the final defense at Lor'danil. She was everything you would want in a leader, brave, tatical, inspiring, and even some humor from time to time. On the Horde side of that combat it was pretty much Go There, Do This, Kill That... save that you were taking orders from the Big Cheese herself. Forsaken players not no investment from the War of Thorns and there wasn't anything leading up to Lordaeron.

... she DIED. And is now HORDE. The Night Elves got genocided while Forsaken players got to cackle and laugh as they achieved complete victory.

C'mon now. There was nothing enjoyable for a Night Elf player in the war of thorns. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Rien.

In fact it was super painful to play through. (3 of my 5 120's are Night Elves)

Do you think forsaken fans wanted Delaryn, or to be the villains of this plot?

Just because you are unhappy doesn't mean the other side is happy.
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Saurfang having the greatest visibility in regards to being bummed out that the Night Elf tree (and people) burned down is really a disservice to the Night Elf players.

It’s tragedy appropriation.

Though, I suppose you could argue he’s actually more bummed about what he thinks it says about the Horde than the devestation it caused to those that suffered it.
11/14/2018 12:29 PMPosted by Kintha
Can we please stop complaining about this now that Nelves are getting a whole patch devoted to their reactions to the WoT?

Our reaction being a Warfront that has no resolution where each side get to take turns "winning"?

… Ah... there is that Kaldorei Pride I was looking for. I found it under this heaping pile of bull s**t
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11/14/2018 11:45 AMPosted by Etheldald
11/14/2018 11:36 AMPosted by Ariël
Punching other players won't solve tha lack of creativity nor brains in the writting team, it will just make people stop playing and the game worse by proxy of less financial income, period.

or blizzard will give them what they want and start treating other players that aren't nelfs like garbage, they also pay for the game. why is you statement more valid than hers?

i don't think that i am being unreasonable when i ask to get a better story even at the cost of others,because that is literally what is happening now with the nelfs.
*War of thorns happens, and apparently is not important to have even a single dialogue from tyrande but rather to have CGI cinematic about sadfang being sad for committing another genocide.
apparently the victim is not important, but rather focusing in ThE BEsT OF ThE HoRdE even when they actually are the bad guys.

i understand if horde players didn't have hand on it, but neither the nelfs players.

Dear, my point is BOTH of us deserve better, period. If you delude yourself thinking that making Hordies miserable will magically fix the horribad writting skills of the lore dev team, well... you may find yourself with a nasty surprise in the future -heck I bet after the rush goes out you'll actually known just how pointless and useless this revenge stuff is at the end and how badly you may feel for other fellow players just as we Hordies have felt since the War of Thorns. Believe me I KNOW what I'm talking about.

You don't want to play with the intimate knowledge that what you "hyped" ended up pushing fellow players away while the narrative goes an extra mile in making you feel bad for something you didn't ask.

Making the players extra tribal and extra nasty to each other won't fix anything nor much less encourage a healthier game environment unless this game just retains sociopaths, period.
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11/14/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Ariël

Being condicending while claiming to be on my side makes me inclined to not take you seriously...

11/14/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Ariël
just as we Hordies have felt since the War of Thorns.

Then stop playing Horde is you feel bad for playing Horde.
11/14/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Ariël
If you delude yourself thinking that making Hordies miserable will magically fix the horribad writting skills of the lore dev team, well... you may find yourself with a nasty surprise in the future

hmm,you are right.
it sucks that the only way to tell blizzard that what they are doing sucks is by unsubbing, i already have done that, i am coming back when the next raid opens, get my aotc and see how it goes, because otherwise it would be pretty hard to keep my interest in this xpac, i don't want to feel like a damn masochist. hopefully it gets better in the future, we will see.
11/14/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Ariël
Making the players extra tribal and extra nasty to each other won't fix anything nor much less encourage a healthier game environment unless this game just retains sociopaths, period.
Blizzard strongly disagrees with you. That's why we are getting the 8.1 "content patch of lies" where each team sees the other do evil things that factually impossible based on what the other sees.

Be the hate filled sociopath that Blizzard wants you to be! Or stop giving them money and play a game that makes you feel good about yourself.
11/14/2018 01:01 PMPosted by Akiyass
11/14/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Ariël

Being condicending while claiming to be on my side makes me inclined to not take you seriously...

11/14/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Ariël
just as we Hordies have felt since the War of Thorns.

Then stop playing Horde is you feel bad for playing Horde.

Or the story could be fun for everyone?
11/14/2018 01:09 PMPosted by Verlius
Or the story could be fun for everyone?

Night Elves have been waiting for that for 14 years.
11/14/2018 01:07 PMPosted by Hahahahahaha
11/14/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Ariël
Making the players extra tribal and extra nasty to each other won't fix anything nor much less encourage a healthier game environment unless this game just retains sociopaths, period.
Blizzard strongly disagrees with you. That's why we are getting the 8.1 "content patch of lies" where each team sees the other do evil things that factually impossible based on what the other sees.

Be the hate filled sociopath that Blizzard wants you to be! Or stop giving them money and play a game that makes you feel good about yourself.

Such cruelty 3slot... don't remind me on those wasted tokens I could have used to buy my Brutosaur instead of literally dumping them for this trash of an expac.... T.T
11/14/2018 01:01 PMPosted by Akiyass
11/14/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Ariël

Being condicending while claiming to be on my side makes me inclined to not take you seriously...

11/14/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Ariël
just as we Hordies have felt since the War of Thorns.

Then stop playing Horde is you feel bad for playing Horde.

If by "condescending" you mean not cattering to your sociopathic ways, then yes... I may be a "condiscending btch". I do care for the feelings of Anya et al more than a keeping a childish score that ultimately will end up vindicating the actual responsible party of this mess in the first place.

Also, playing Alliance won't ever make ne happy. I don't find enjoyment in cardboard made generic characters and narratives I find more boeibg than watching paint dry. I (different from you aparently) don't play Horde cause they "win more" (heck I could go without A LOT of those winnings) but because I find the characters and overall narrative waay more relatable and estimulating for my brain, no more and no less.
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