Kajamite, Beledar and Azerite, Black blood are they all just blood of Azeroth?

I like this. Kaja’mite is the Snot of Azeroth.

Kajamite is the ossified kidney stones of Azeroth after one too many WoW-themed Gamer Fuel™ sessions


So they are Mt. Dew Crystals!


Yes, but only the WoW themed gamer fuel varieties.

If the goblins had discovered Livewire™, Baja Blast™, or Code Red™, they’d have conquered this rock.

Livewire™ = Orange O-Pocalypse Kaja’cola™

Baja Blast™ = Bluesberry Blast Kaja’cola™

And Code Red™ = Mangoro Madness™

lol Legit all Kaja’cola flavors.

All junk items before but now, in the new season for delves, it gives buffs if you have it as a utility.

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