What if all of these are just Azeroth’s life blood modified by some sort of process? Like maybe the Black Blood is Old God blood, but created by them draining the life force of Azeroth(the old gods are parasitic afterall) and turning it into their blood(hence the need for Kajamite to stabilize it)
And maybe Kajamite is just a weaker form of Azerite, they both have similar properties of improving ones intelligence/physical attributes.
Azerite is explicitly Azeroth’s “blood” so yes to that obviously.
Kajamite is probably just a form of Azerite, but I don’t think it has been explicitly stated to be.
I’m’a throw the OG Well of Eternity in there, probably mixed with water, as it’s also been labelled as Azeroth’s blood, which would include the vials Illidan stole.
Beledar… Might be? We have Archaedus talking about crystalized Azeroth blood similar to Beledar and Dagran postulating it could be. But on the other hand, we have the Arathi implying it fell from the sky. It also is the only possible example of Azerite having a Light and Void state, which is more a thing we see with Naaru and Naaru bits than Azerite, but… I dunno, could be either.
The black blood is interesting. While it’s been said to have come from the old gods, Orweyna said her people have dealt with it for ages and the only old god whose blood had been spilt at that time was Yshaarj. So, probably his blood that sat dormant deep in the earth for ages. It would presumably be near Azerite there, and it’s weaponized form looks like void-tainted Azerite, but that could be me looking for connections.
Those examining Beledar’s Crystals ingame note that they are similar to Azerite so if Beledar isn’t Azeroth’s Blood but a part of K’aresh which suddenly is now the Cosmic Realm of Light then Azerite isn’t Azeroth’s Blood either explaining why Velen compares Azerite to the Naaru in Before the Storm.
It also makes Magni even more of a pawn.
If Azerite is the True Light then Sargeras simply stabbed a Light Crystal in retaliation against the Light’s Victory and N’Zoth realized he could injure the Crystals with the Void and use their Pure Light to ensure his release followed by him wiping all the Light Crystals out with Re-Origination using the Amathet.
His plan only got as far to “use the True Light to release him” part and got him killed by Re-Origination in the end.
The Black Blood would be the Curse of Flesh afflicted upon K’aresh.
Kajamite’s ability to contain volatile energies makes it likely to be Azeroth’s actual Blood as Titans are beings of Order and Order contains volatile energies.
I think its kind of odd that Azeroth blood would harm Azeroth, because everything we know about Black Blood is that, it is Void related and harm the land, its kinda odd that Azeroth would harm herself imo.
That’s another way of saying it is the blood of Y’shaarj. (which is correct, btw)
Remnants of Y’shaarj (like the Sha) seem to feed on negative emotions, and that helps make sense of what Xal is even accomplishing by having everyone fight each other on and under Khaz Algar. Basically, if the Nerubians, Arathi, and Earthen are all locked in a bitter struggle, that could theoretically charge Y’shaarj’s blood, or awaken it, or whatever.
… Unless it is Xal’atath’s blood from her original old god form.
We’ve had some very teeny hints that Xal could be a fifth Oldie that got eaten before the titans found the old gods. Teeny as heck, and labelled pure speculation. From the OG Xa’atath knaifu legend stuff to a fifth old god in some art in one of the Chronicles books, some of her dialog during Legion, just teeny stuff like that.
So what if that turns out to be the case? That could be why the blood started activating around the time after Sargeras stabbed the world. We drained the blade Xal’atath and undoubtedly weakened her prison. She could have called out to her physical remains through that, or they just responded to her prison in the knife weakening. That could be why she’s so invested in this stuff particularly.
Well, it could feasibly be blood from all four Old Gods. Their tendrils had wormed throughout Azeroth’s crust and likely deeper prior to their imprisonment, and the aqir and n’raqi were said to have arisen from the Old Gods’ fluids constantly seeping out of their flesh and pooling all over the place, so it doesn’t necessarily have to only be from the one who got ripped out of the planet.
Technically it was already established way back in Twilight of the Aspects that Azeroth’s honeycombed with countless underground hollows filled with the Old Gods’ blood, as Thrall encountered Deathwing in one while he was communing with the element of Earth.
Xal’atath was active on K’aresh before coming to Azeroth. I’m still subscribed to the theory that she is either a fallen Prime Naaru or an unbound Void Ethereal. Her aesthetics smack of both, honestly.
Maybe its like a reverse dialysis. The Old Gods suck up Azeroth blood(and turn it into “their” blood) and then pump it back into Azeroth to try and drive her crazy.
On this note. Maybe that is the reason the black blood makes everyone crazy. That it is a byproduct of the attempt to corrupt Azeroth.
Xal’atath when she was in the dagger spoke of those who ‘came before the draenei’, when referencing the naaru, which could conceivably mean she’s older than the current universe. Moreover she calls Elune an ‘upstart goddess’, which does imply she’s older than the Old Gods but also isn’t necessarily allied with them.
The black blood might well be from her true body, her corpse. It’s possible that when the Old Gods were discovered to have found a Titan, she was sent to get things going and they double-crossed her. It would also explain why the Void Lords haven’t sent more Old Gods over.
Also it would be really funny if, after years of being the flirty villainess type, her true form is a giant bloated eldritch horror.
Are you sure? I know the Radiant Song (or rather, something similar to it) was heard there, but we do not know if that is from Xal’atath. It’s been implied to be from Azeroth’s world soul.
We know Xal’atath has been in the Blade of the Black Empire since, well, the Black Empire and Dimensius did give her Voidsong at the height of the BE, but nothing suggested she left Azeroth and we know Dimensius can send his manifestations to other worlds (K’aresh and the ruins of Draenor) so it seems more likely Dimensius went to Azeroth.
Regarding what she is…
We know she’s not a void lord; she specifically refers to them as “our masters” and “what one of them did” to the ethereal’s homeworld.
She refers to N’zoth as the “weakest of one of us” and regarding the Naaru: “I know the Naaru consider us horrors to be resisted” while claiming her and (whatever she turns out to be) view them as “brethren who lost the true path” and will “return to their true master in time”. She also implies it was her brethren who imprisoned her in the Blade. There’s also a lot of use of “us/out” in general when discussing feats done by the old gods. Deathwing was corrupted by “us,” “out” gift of flesh, every death brought “us” closer to the corruption of this world (in Ny’alotha).
So yeah, that’s why I think Xal’atath was an old god before getting shoved in Knaifu. Cuz it does kinda look like that was/is the plan.
… 'Course, she could also be a fragment of Yshaarj, since one hypothetical, rumored origin was that the blade was made from a claw of Yshaarj, and that could explain the “us/our/brethren” stuff. Or she just lying.