Kajamite, Beledar and Azerite, Black blood are they all just blood of Azeroth?

Not sure, just speculating. She could just be a sealed away Old God. I’ve also seen a theory that she is The Blue Child. Could just be reading too much into Locus-Walker’s familiarity with her, but that interaction struck me with the impression that she was somehow involved with K’aresh. My thinking is basically that, if she’s The Harbinger of the Void, she wouldn’t have done much Harbinging if she never left Azeroth. I might just like the idea of her being The Void’s Silver Surfer too much, though.

The line about the Naaru makes me think she’s claiming kinship with entities tied to The Void, rather than claiming to be a Fifth Old God specifically. A straight reading of her comments certainly does give the impression that she could be an Old God though, for sure. I’m just not sure how the eclipsed moons, Ethereal garments, and Void Naaru symbols/motif fits in with that.

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Locus Walker also states that if he spoke his name aloud a bunch of Void Portals would open up around him and some very unpleasant entities would come looking to collect on old debts…

Furthermore his name is an Ancient Word of Power that if whispered into the Player Character’s ear, his/her mind will fall into madness…

Calling it now: Locus-Walker is Dimensius and is the one who sent the Ethereals to grab the Dark Heart behind Xal’atath’s back!

Beledar gives off the Radiant Song which first appeared on K’aresh so it may be a chunk of K’aresh.

Of course since Beledar is clearly a Light Crystal that means that K’aresh must be the Cosmic Realm of Light!

Without going fully whackadoodle conspiracy nut and trying to sensify everything…

I dunno if I see too much Ethereal in her garments; she has some leg bandages going on, but the rest of the fit lacks the shiny metallics they have. To me, it’s closer to the Nightborne and Void Elf heritage armors, with a mix of Kael’thas shoulder orbs.

Locus-Walker’s familiarity with her doesn’t really surprise me much. If Dimensious liked Xal’atath enough to give her a staff, Locus-Walker would be keenly interested to learn more about her. Given the Black Empire would most likely predate K’aresh blowing up (mostly because otherwise, Locus-Walker and the other Ethereals are in the tens of thousands of years old ((the Ordering of Azeroth, which ended the Black Empire, happened before Sargeras converted the eredar to his cause)), while they “only” say K’aresh blew up thousands of years ago), the most probable situation is that Xal’atath had already gotten the Voidstar before Locus-Walker even knew about Dimensious. So learning about Big D’s past and finding a Xal’atath in it seems the most likely scenario. Or a Xal’atath weilder was involved somehow. But meeting Xal as an entity doesn’t seem plausible, given what we know.

The void naaru bit I never noticed until you mentioned it, and now I cannot unsee it. My best guess here is to go back to Xal’atath’s whispers which are absolutely definitely totally not lies. Brethren, true masters (meaning the Light wouldn’t be their true masters), it all hints at a silly-dumb possibility that the Naaru actually serve the void. Or did. Which yeah, could explain the weird void state they get, but I really hate that idea and don’t want to give it much air.

The moon symbology is undeniable though. The tattoos/scars, her eyes looking like a solar eclipse, it’s there and meant to draw our attention. It’s deliberate, so there has to be some connection. And then there’s how she refers to Elune; an “upstart goddess” and a “great enemy” (Sisters of the Moon: “the shrine of a great enemy”), implying there’s more than some passing familiarity there. Respect and hate.

I suppose one possibility could be that when the void lords vomitted old gods out into the cosmos in the hopes some might land on worlds, and some of those worlds might have titans, Xal’atath might have missed the planet and splattered on the Blue Child, then eventually fell to Azeroth to be forged into the Black Blade. And now I’m going all whackadoodle crazy-brained, and I think I might go to bed.

… She could just turn out to have been a really powerful troll shadow priest in the Black Empire days, and I think I’d be okay with that too.


I remain most sold on the Void Naaru theory so far. The tattoo-script written down her arms and face look like the same script hovering in an arc over L’ura on Argus. Her concept art in particular draws a really strong parallel.

If the connection to The Blue Child has any merit, they have made it canonical that it has traveled the universe away from Azeroth. I’m not particularly sold on this one, myself, at least partly due to her being stuck in a knife for so long.

She straight up tells Alleria that she has risen from the ashes of countless empires, but that could just mean empires on Azeroth (as a knife) or empires across the universe.

Maybe Harbinger isn’t a full-time position. Or maybe Locus-Walker was the original Silver Surfer to Dimensius, a darker retelling of Norrin Radd where he doomed his homeworld instead of volunteering to spare it. Which could make Xal’atath one of a number of Heralds. Again, I’m attached to theories like this because I feel like Dimensius = Galactus is so on the nose I’m desperate to make it fit.

There’s also the imagery of her crawling out of Beledar on the mural, which seems like the sort of detail Blizzard would deliberately include to signal some sort of connection.

Then there’s always the possibility that she was absolutely a fifth Old God initially, but something made them change their mind about that—maybe the overwhelming backlash to Ny’alotha and N’zoth in BFA.

Long story short, there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle but still not enough to put them all together. But it is fun trying to.

Locus-Walker’s whole shtick seems to be finding people who can wield the Void without succumbing to it, which does not track with “VOID LORD EAT REALITY OM NOM NOM!”

I feel like he was probably messing with the players for being nosy with the name business, although maybe the part about people showing up to collect a bunch of debts is true. That sounds like something Space-Goblins Void Brokers Ethereals would absolutely do.

I have no idea where the obsession with K’aresh being the Cosmic Realm of Light is coming from. We know it was a planet in Reality, and as of recently we’ve been given reason to suspect it housed a World Soul (which raises a ton of other questions). Although, maybe the World Soul component explains why there was a backlash of Arcane magic in addition to the Void.

Honestly the way she dresses and the ritualistic manner in which she addressed N’zoth back during BfA makes me wonder if she might have originally been a cultist of some sort. Perhaps a follower of Elune who turned to the Void and gave her world to it, and was rewarded by ascension into the Harbinger, charged with continuing to deliver more worlds to her masters ever since. Which could perhaps explain Locus-Walker’s familiarity with her; maybe he was once in a similar position, but instead of taking his reward he came out of K’aresh’s destruction regretting his part in it and wanting to gird others against the Void from doing it to their worlds as well.

Her whole demeanor honestly comes across like she was mortal at some point. She just plain “gets” mortals more than the Old Gods or other voidspawn we’ve met ever have. Instead of an ageless and incomprehensible horror bombarding mortals with mind-shattering whispers of madness, even as a knife she came across like a “person” speaking terms of encouragement and flattery, knowing just what strings to pull and promising everything one could ever desire, then pulling the rug out and getting her wielders/“allies” killed right before they think they’re about to have it all. Her whole backstory in Azeroth’s history has been a long trail of patsies who died with whispers on their lips of the false promises that she never really had any intention of actually fulfilling.

The Old Gods turn their pawns into packs of raving maniacs and loyalists sworn to eternal service to them (at times to their detriment, as they temporarily lost control of Deathwing during the WotA when his obsessive need for the Dragon Soul overpowered his willingness to heed their whispers); Xal’atath is a serial backstabber who treats every pawn as a short-term fling to be left bleeding out in a ditch once she’s finished with them and moved on to her next target. Even with Ansurek she basically tells her outright at the end that she’d always planned on the queen ending up killed (which creates a certain possibility concerning the Ethereal assassin in her court); she just thought it would have been nice if Ansurek had put up a more impressive fight against us before getting put down.

And now here we are, focused on Gallywix. Sure, there are plenty of other reasons to want him ousted from Undermine, but it’s hard to completely ignore that while we’re busy cutting off her most recent loose end that she’s done with, Xal’atath is likely setting up her next pawn without having us on her heels.


The biggest mystery to me really is kajamite. There’s no hints at what it could be-- unless it was fel, and i do not think it is fel.

I had thought it would end up being a third giant crystal. Maybe it really is just crystallized Mt. Dew.

It’s present in too many places to be that. Kezan/Undermine, the Lost Isle and Zandalar. It would need to be three giant crystals, or one that had a very strange adventure while it broke to pieces!!

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When the Crystals were falling to Azeroth, Kajamar was the “Porkins” of their X-Wing Squadron.

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While it would be the third crystal, it would be yellow instead of red. Kajamite cannot be Red Three (yes I did google this).

More seriously, if it can contain Old God corruption, I would expect that to involve Azeroth in some way, though it clearly is not azerite.

Kaja’mite contained a Glitchy Shrink Ray.

It contains Volatile Energies which puts it closer to Order than anything else. Even Purple Arcane doesn’t match Order as much as Kaja’mite.

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So it’s Ordered AzerFelrite! I knew it!


Isn’t it more likely that the Green Fel is Ordered Fel not Kaja’mite?

True we know of only one other type of Fel(coming out of Sargeras’s Sword) but that is Red of the same color as Revendreth Death Magic and we know that the Nathrezim got at Sargeras even if they don’t control him!

It is Life Fel McNuggets.

So green is life, therefore Kaja’mite is life.
But green is also fel, so Kaja’mite must also be fel.
But Azerite is order, so Kaja’mite must also be order.
But Azerite is yellow like the light, so Kaja’mite must also be light.
However we see what looks like Azerite along the walls of Oribos which is death, so Kaja’mite must also be death.
But this all seems very suspicious, so Kaja’mite must also be Void.

Therefore, the only reasonable conclusion is that Kaja’mite is all.

In the Kaja’mite, we are one.

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Let this mark the end of the Underminian War, as we march forward to a new age of peace and happiness! TILL ALL ARE ONE!

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Kaja’cola, it will quench your thirst!™


…maybe all the different stuff aren’t simply blood of Azeroth, but rather

Black Bile
Yellow Bile
