Kaja cola ideas thread 2

When you have a bag full of items, and then put that bag into your inventory or bank, the items should stay inside the bag and not redistribute themselves into the bags you have equipped.


Oh, I wish! More bag space for all!

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Did someone say Kaja’Cola?

Should have made that stuff auctionable. Or at least let you pass it around your characters.

(If this thread is about ideas, I’m gonna take this is from the druid class forums and post it here). Hopefully this is an idea worth thinking about for druid players:

duplicate mounts that drop in legacy content should be auctionable


We should have a Diablo 3 Styled Account Wide crafting reagent bank. Transfering materials to said bank would make them BoA, but would remove them from the inventory space indefinitely and stack to the high thousands of units. It would be immediately accessible to all characters on a given account, cleanly sorted by material type and expansion source, and would have easy options for directly depositing acquired reagents.


Since you brought up kaja cola, we need a vendor for it. Preferably in a shady part of cities. It increases rage Regen, speed, int, mast, well let’s just make it everything. The second time you take it you get a 98% buff of whatever it was before. If you don’t drink another in 2hrs from the 2nd one you get a debuff to all the increased stats. Have diminishing returns on time needed to injest and increased debuff times when you don’t. Fun times for all!:slightly_smiling_face::arrow_right:️:crazy_face::exploding_head::arrow_right:️:nauseated_face: :arrow_right:️:syringe::arrow_right:️:grin:

You should be able to merge two max-level characters into one character and just have six specs to choose from. This would help pure DPS classes not be forced into long que times.


The whole faction war should be a giant capture the flag match in the over world. Instead of just queing for PvP matches there should be a constant struggle to go deep into enemy territory to steal a something or other and bring it back to home base. This gives people stuck in the end game grind incentive to keep playing, because there are coordinated infiltrations and defenses. You can pass off whatever it is you’re carrying to another courier and get hunted down by those on the opposite side. If you have warmode turned on you’re automatically able to participate and it will bring a whole new life to the war between factions

No classes! Then there’s nobody to nerf! Everybody can have the same spec! That way, balancing is a cinch!

Did you even drink the Kaja’cola?

I didn’t even know this happens lmao

of the same armor type!

How about we take the New Plague, and use it to make cookies for Sylvanas!