Dolphin jump animation ruined

I just got one of those glyphs that makes you turn into a dolphin in aquatic form and it looks great. But the problem is, it comes with a unique jump animation that’s ruined because I keep turning into a deer in mid-jump.


That is a bummer. =(


Yeah, I was really disappointed as well.

Not sure why they had to merge our travel forms in the first place. In my honest opinion, it’s created nothing by complaints and problems.


I like it.


I wish the auto travel forms depending on the situation were a bit smarter. I don’t have an issue with the merge, but while swimming, it doesn’t make sense that a deer would jump in the air then change forms again upon water contact. The game should recognize that a druid is jumping waves and keep us in our swim forms.


you must be new to druids. We’ve had this problem ever since L16 back in Vanilla.

It’s nothing new.

And besides if it kept me in Aquatic form when I jumped out of the water, I would be pissed that I couldn’t fly away. I like being able to auto-transform into my bird form when I exit the water.


Im quite positive aquatic form was not merged with travel form in vanilla.


No, but you would immediately come out of Aquatic form upon leaving the water. Smart guy.

It would be awesome if jumping in water while in a no-fly zone kept us in aquatic form. I immensely love the ability to jump out of water and fly away, but I don’t like when it swaps to stag in no-fly zones. Maybe there could be a glyph option for this, that way the individual player can choose.

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If the auto forms per situation were a bit smarter, when we’re jumping waves in swim form (keep us in swim form), we could double jump, kinda like demon hunters, to activate flight form. It would take getting used to, but it would probably work well.


This was exactly what I thought we be a creative solution, double jump changes us into birds, and we only turn back into stags when we jump and land on solid ground, otherwise stay aquatic form.

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u hef to be mad?

I would have loved it if we were able to keep Aquatic, Stag, Flight as separate spells and then have one overarching spell called Travel Form which did the auto-switching.

That way if we are in Aquatic Form we can do the fun jumps in water, we could glyph Travel Form to be a cheetah but keep Stag Form as the stag for carrying friends (these are already two separate spells but… the glyph applies to both of them for some reason), and we could use Travel Form to do the fast swap in and out of flight/stag when we are crossing water.

That, I feel, would satisfy all parties.


Aquatic form should cause us to jump out of the water if at the surface, and a double-jump (like demon hunters) should trigger flight form.

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I recall back in the early days of flight form where you could actually jump out of the water and fly away but it took precise timing and was something I was proud to have learned. You almost had to wait until the peak of your jump, and just before you started to descend, hit flight.

I wasn’t even aware that glyphs had unique jumping animations, it’s interesting the little nuances that you guys notice and care about haha. I will say that using my new megaladon-ish form, I’ve tried to swim close to the surface to have my fin stick out and accidentally turned into a raptor. That is kinda annoying, I wish that were less touchy.