Kael'thas Alliance Reconnections

Handicap, I see some old boys from Reason here. Sup dudes!!!


Lot more names being dropped here than on the horde counterpart! I did have an ally druid (Urngehammer) when I got my HoR on my war (Cande). Hope to see some of you guys on the same server! I will be going horde again, but would love to have some old school pvp / SS TM battles just like the old days!
Can add me on btag Cande#1510


Latt from Reason from back in the day.

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Starshot, NE hunter Kinsmen
Heroix, Human Paladin Kinsmen

wergud. Good to see SPG on here.


I remember you. I was in Redemption. Lurker mostly but I did participate in the raids mostly in Wrath.

Played Morgase (Human Mage) and Gilbraithe (Human Paladin), looking for old “Frat Boys” and “Infinity” guild members.

Lettowvorbec NE hunter essence of grandeur Frat Boys

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there was a dungeoning frat boys group that my friend PhillyWilly inherited My toon was a member before the GM changed realms


Quinthalas, Human Mage - Raided with guilds “Reason” , “The Art of War” , “Vendetta”


My boys Protobardur and Zomkaa around?! WOuld love to meet up irl

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Looking for Tasya and her husband Orpheus. We played for a long time at the end of Vanilla well into TBC. Been a long time.

-Thengel aka “Bait”

I’ll be Qid the rogue again in classic. Reserved character names on the Atiesh US server.

I’ve been trying to coordinate with Frosted, but I’m not sure where he and his group are going to end up yet.

Feel free to hit me up on Atiesh if anyone ends up rolling there. Or you can find me on discord at Zyzomys#3483.

If you’d rather use Bnet tag it’s: Zyzomys#1473

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Edicomoh - Kinsmen

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I remember you too Nocte! Hope all is well. If you and/or Money end up playing (classic or not)… look me up! I just came back after being on hiatus since the end of WotK.

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Who did you play on mostly in WotK?

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I’m still playing, still raiding as always. I’m current running in a 3/8M team on Stormrage. Playing a balance druid these days as my main, but I will be rolling a mage again for Classic for sure.

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Shadess of blackened heart here!
I think I remember the guild master was narwen? I also remember moving to redemption after a little while

I be playing on Kael’thas when Classic goes live because it’s the realm I play on with BFA

there is no kael thas