Kael'thas Alliance Reconnections

Yanzaru/Shyx from Kinsmen

Pretty sure I was in Vendetta at one point. Probably under Gargatron or Gargs. Pally Heals.

Good old Gargs

Empire from “Redemption”. Human Mage.

Minthus from Ad Noctum, (was human) warrior.


Seraphiel from Reason here! Now playing with transferred Kinsmen on Aerie Peak.


night elf druid KRETO from vendetta

Stormdread, Pally from Blackened Heart and Frostwolf

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Baltha, Human Rogue: “You Are So Dead”

Hashsmasher-NE Hunter from Vendetta here! :open_mouth:

Hashsmasher- NE Hunt from Vendetta! Holla!

My old character - Skrat, Night Elf, Rogue
Can’t remember the name of the guild but I remember some guildmate names.
Kalasura night elf, Thedonz or Thedon night elf druid, and various others. One dwarf guildie helped me navigate TBC flying after that expansion came out.

Yes, I was Merge an officer in BBK…

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HMU on Discord. weve got a server going with a good number of ex vendetta players.


Darkwolff from Kinsmen

Mhoram Dwarf Priest from Vendetta here!

I hung around a few guilds back in the day and while I can’t recall all of them, I think my original was Dancers of the Night. Any of you hovering around here?

Valanna - Warlock from Reason. Hi Guys!

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Shaman, druid, priest… GM of Redemption for a few years after Moneyus. I moved from Doomhammer to KT at the end of vanilla.

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Ironically I was just texting Muney today talking about Classic. Not sure if he’s going to give it a shot just yet.

I remember you, Wolfi. I used to help you guys through raiding back in TBC when I was in Recon.