Kael’thas should return to the blood elves

Wow, this thread was made by Erevien before his first perma ban.

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I appreciate that you found my topic but this necro was really not needed.

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First now do I notice that this is one hell of a necro.

And it really makes me wonder… how the hell do you find these old as cake topics?

Why do you find these old topics?!

Google search

No please, leave the San’layn alone, the concept is already struggling to stay afloat as it is. Don’t burden them with Kael’thas, he is dead weight that will just sink it.
I’ll give credit to Blizzard for giving him a good start on a redemption arc, I was EXTREMELY skeptical about that, but Blizzard just barely pulled a rabbit out it’s metaphorical hat. If Kael’thas was destined to return, give him the Ysera treatment, let a more bland character trade places with him and let him return. Need a scenario? How about Jaina decides to finish the job her ex started, and wipe out the Blood Elves. Kael comes back to defend them. Make for a great raid scenario, some interesting dialogue, and maybe an awesome cinematic of those two in a real Royal class, Mage duel. Blizzard obviously has no problem now with running it’s popular female characters into the ground now. So it would be viable.

I think it would be NICE if he came back but I don’t think it’s necessary?

Mostly I just don’t want the void/helf/belf narrative fusing into one story. If they can develop these subcultures well without needing Kael I’m fine with that.

The worst possible thing that could happen if they brought back kael would be a bizarre jaina simping arc because he had a crush on her, apparently.


I think in the Arthas novel, that Jaina found it just a tad bit creepy that Kael had a crush on her.

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She did. Which, makes sense. He’s way older than her at that time where she’s really young.


He also went on a whole “nice guy” neckbeard rant when he found out she was actually with Arthas about how such an unsophisticated brute like Arthas didn’t deserve Jaina and she deserved a supreme gentleman such as himself. It’s also confirmed in Sylvanas’s story that Kael tried for her hand but got cucked by Nathanos.

They really did Kael dirty after WC3 lmao he has never looked good in anything he’s appeared in since.


I believe this was after Arthas turned Lich King’s pawn and had destroyed Quel’thalas. Jaina attempted to console him, but Kael’thas was, understandbly, in a rather bad mood after the news hit him.

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No, it was in Dalaran when he caught Arthas and Jaina kissing. It was well before the Scourge or any of that. He catches them making out in a closet or something, then goes on some rant about how Arthas is a bad guy and doesn’t deserve Jaina because their relationship is secret, angrily throws a book at their feet and storms off.

It has been some time since I read it.
I just remember his last rant.

You’re correct, than later on when Kael fights Arthas, when he was still a DK, up in Northrend, I believe Kael does taunt him about Jaina, saying something about how she never loved him or something along those lines.

It’s been a long time since I read the novel though

It was pretty hilarious and it makes me feel bad for any Kael fans since they basically turned the character into this creepy nice guy neckbeard predator ( he was Jaina’s much older teacher, after all ).

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To be fair.
It is not anything new for High Elves overall.

Just look at the Windrunner sisters, all getting together with humans.

It is a concept that I have never really understood.

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His jealousy of Arthas was like one throwaway line of dialog in WC3 to be fair. Beyond that he was portrayed as a thoughtful prince who cared about his people. He really can’t be faulted for abandoning Garithos given the guy was trying to get all of his men executed on frivolous charges and the rest of it was more out of desperation than anything.

Then WC3 finishes and his character suddenly oscillates from insane mustache twirler, creepy predator and now oblivious himbo in Shadowlands.


Eh, true.

And yes I did delete the other comment because it was a ridiculous comment.

I still think the best place for Kael’thas is to remain in Revendreth doing penance and under the Accuser’s tutelage though.

You can just take a portal out of shadow lands now. I bet he looks like a ghost in azeroth though

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Why would Kael’thas join the scourge?

No he needs to replace Bob.