I totally agree… His ghostly self moaning around and going boo is the absolute bomb at Ember Court parties. And Silvermoon City could use some good entertainment.
Kael’s character is ruined it’s time to let him go. They ought to just bring back a new Sunstrider character that’s like Kael’s forgotten cousin or something that just acts like WC3 Kael in every way.
He wasn’t a demon, no. Heavily corrupted but not a full on immortal demon soul demon like Illidan. Hence why he went to the SL when he died.
Then what you’re looking for is a Warcraft reboot so they can go back and fix him. I’m not mocking you. This is what I want deep down. But thats years or decades away at best, and even then Blizzard will probably screw it up in some new way.
So what can we hope for that’s realistic? We need a new character that fits Kael’s narrative role. Or just have Rommath finally do something and have an opinion of his own.
I always liked Romath. Though I think Lore’themar is fine. (they could have pushed overly soppy love stories on any character) And the could just write him to be a bit more like Romath.
I mean, what they Blood Elves need is start objecting to the fact that Alliance characters keep trying to kill them.
There are no living authority to officially take the throne. If anything, Lor’themar has the most authority of all, above even a ranger general. The last royalty who lived, put Lor’themar in charge, made him the regent in stead of a king.
The only real authority is Lor’themar. Being a windrunner does not give you access to the throne. That is still the stupidest take any have ever come up with. At best it gives you a hereditary military title, provided that the governing body of Quel’thalas still supports that - which we can only assume it no longer does, making the Windrunner family name nothing more than a legend.
Especially seeing as all the Windrunners have now openly betrayed their homeland, in favor of those who abused and tried to kill off their own people.
Last time any Alliance leader tried to kill them, was in Legion where Vereesa tried to attack Rommath, but was promptly put in her place by daddy Khadgar… Dadgar.
I liked the IDEA of Rommath, but the only thing Blizzard has had him do is reject Blood Elves seeking to use volatile magics.
The guy whose entire biography is about how loyal he was to Kael’thas until his betrayal. Who literally has the blood elf demon-warding tattoos from the old concept art. The quintessential image of an “old school” Blood Elf.
And we’re supposed to believe his policies are the exact opposite of Kael’s? Betrayal or not it’s lame he seemingly changed his entire outlook on life and became yet another generic high elf.
I imagine Rommath should be in charge of dark magical research and experiments.
Blood magic, fel and the dark animus could be at the belves disposal. I am so disappointed at the wasted potential, we could even use fleshshaping to create new demons.
I just don’t understand why Blizzard insists on keeping us so boring. It’s like they think there’s already too many elves, so they can’t give anyone a reason to want to play them XD
Looking back over the Sylvanas novel, her dad stated that Ranger-General of Silvermoon was a title conferred specifically from parent to child, and that the Windrunners apparently didn’t even begin that tradition. And Sylvanas, as far as we know, has no children. Even dismissing Alleria’s abdication and the fact that Vereesa is already the ranger-general of a separate faction, the Windrunners lost any claim to the title with Sylvanas.
And if that wasn’t enough, prospective ranger-generals still have to get themselves elected before the (now-blood elf) Farstriders. I somehow doubt Alleria or Vereesa could swing that vote nowadays.
Uh… yes? He saw fel magic destroy the prince he loved and nearly condemn his race to destruction. Rommath should probably be the elf most averse to recklessly screwing around with dark magics, especially the force that cosmically imperils the only good thing to come of Kael’s corruption and downfall.
I get that you’d rather the blood elves had just rolled with that, but look at our friends the orcs and consider how Blizzard treats races who fail to learn from history. The best thing to happen to them in this game’s lifetime was last month’s heritage quest.
Actually I said “characters”. Its right there. And yes, Jaina gave orders that had any who resisted be purged (or apparently tried to get money out of the bank) would be killed.
That’s an insult to Tolkien Elves. At least they have coherent reasons for being how they are, and even then they have flawed subgroups that are nuanced and 3 dimensional (the noldor for example).
Yawn. Sounds boring and therefore wrong. I want Blood Elves to be interesting, have nuanced motivations, with characters that represent all aspects of what defines them as Blood Elves, and maybe even showing a divide between different ideological factions.
Blizzards wants to serve me plain white bread. I’d like a meal, please.