Kael’thas should return to the blood elves

Development on Lor’themar has always been a waste. People have nevered cared about him as much as they cared about Kael’thas. And all the effort they spent trying to get Lor’themar over instead of fixing Kael’thas has been a waste of everyone’s time.

But now, Vampire Kael’thas gives them the opportunity to do both.


While I love Kael’thas and hate what they did to him, that would be a definite no on ressurecting him. He should go through redemption, yes, he needs that cocky attitude knocked down a few pegs, but his place is with the Venthyr, not in Quel’thalas.

Lor’themar has grown into his role as leader of the Blood Elves and is highly respected in the Horde now. Not to mention I doubt the general population (not fans opinion) would not be very positive to him coming back and just making himself at home of the throne of Quel’thalas. People will not forget so easily how he tried to sell them to the Legion.

And hello…we have a Grand Magister, his name is Rommath. Nice looking fellow, dark hair, wickedly green eyes, fills out his robes nicely and is a powerful mage in his own right. I think even he would likely protest Kael taking over his position seeing as how he was betrayed by the Prince as well. Besides it would make no sense for the prince of the land to be a mere Grand Magister.

With that said, I would LOVE for Rommath and Kael to reunite in the Shadowlands. I think Rommath would likely have a few choice words for the prince if they meet (and I would pay for him to just rip Kael a new one but at the end they make their peace). Perhaps Lor’themar could meet with him or Anasterian and one of them insist he take up the title of King, but honestly not sure I like that scenario (unless it includes dumping the purple princess and getting a proper wife like Liadrin or another Blood Elf!). Part of what has made Lor’themar a good leader is his refusal to take the throne and his discomfort with being a leader of the country in general. It has kept him humble and a good leader and I think it would destroy his character to be the king.

Just my two coppers on the subject.


You’re right. Kael SHOULD go to the Alliance to balance it out.

The raid encounter with him in Castle Nathria is apparently called the “Sun King’s Redemption”, so we do redeem him.

Personally I’d love to see him come back to legit life just to see how Lor’themar handles it.

Are they just going to get dumped into the middle of the ocean?

This is speculation but:

  1. Tyrande’s Night Warrior power is tied to Ardenweald
  2. The Winter Queen’s existence is tied to Ardenweald via the Heart of the Forest; the weaker it gets, the weaker she gets, and vice versa, and this Heart is tied to the “lock” on the Maw. (Campagin Questline)
  3. Winter Queen/Ardenweald will be restored by Tyrande letting go of her vengeance and releasing its power to Ardenweald

at the same time

  1. Excluding Tirna Achiad (Heart of the Forest), there are a total of 9 Tirna Trees (Eas, Glayn, Rowen, Vaal, Scithe, Fenn, Kaithe, Marwol, Noch)
  2. During questing, we learn Tirna Noch is “long dead” and they never bother to check it out; turns out the Drust have colonized it and restored the Heart of Tirna Noch with anima for their own benefit
  3. There’s a part of Tirna Marwol that is closed off and looks raid-esque.
  4. These trees are what allow for reincarnation; they gather anima to feed the Wild Seeds.

And at the same time:

  1. On Azeroth, World Trees can be bound to World Trees in the Dream
  2. There are non-World-Trees that have Emerald Dream parallels (e.g. Tal’doren vs Daralnir)

Therefore it stands to reason the Winter Queen and Ardenweald-bound Ysera can give their “blessing” to restore Teldrassil.

Also consider Undercity is currently blighted and we are being given a very Forsaken-Scourge-esque zone with a “House of Plagues”.

I thus speculate, and have been, that the end of Shadowlands will lead to most of BFA being “undone”; Undercity and Teldrassil restored.

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I mean, there’s still and island there with a huge stump on it.

Of course, if they really do come back in the exact spot where they died, they’ll be a mile up in the air and fall back to their deaths!

Well…the ones that can’t turn into birds anyway. And who cares about the ones that can’t? Amirite?


Tree is still there though badly burned with the eastern canopy suspended over a hollow space and liable to fall down if anything heavy is placed there.

Any Night Elves revived at that spot will notice that they are sitting in a charred tree with any digging in the eastern half leading to a big gaping pit. Basically Teldrassil will be as scarred as Tirisfal is if revived.

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Lor’themar is way more interesting than Kael, Kael doesn’t need to come back.

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Must be opposite day.

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I don’t want Kael’thas to come back. But Lor’themar has had basically no presence or character in the story until recently. His most famous (and one of his only) stories was literally a fan story made canon. His only depiction was ‘dislikes this’ and ‘isn’t going to rock the boat at any point’. And like two quests in Mists that were ‘I’m mad about elf killing’.

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I don’t really care what hoops they have to jump through to justify it – I want Kael’thas back. He should’ve been our faction leader, and if the BC writers weren’t so terrible he would’ve been.

So yeah, Kael’thas redemption arc, raise him from the dead, long live the sunstrider dynasty!


Absolutely not. He betrayed his people and shows no regret even in death.

Frankly he belongs in the maw.

And so does Lor’themar.

Well man, the whole SL Revendreth stuff is kinda this (proving at least something of the original TFT Kael´thas the devs disgustingly destroyed back in TBC is still “in there” so to say).

I agree it´s too late for him to go back to rule the Belves, but on the other hand to “dismiss” his relevance for the Blood Elf ruling cast (Lor´themar / Rommath / Halduron) IS as supremely foolish as was villain batting to death Kael´thas back in TBC.

That “loser” as you so succintly put it, is the entire reason the Belves and Helves AS A WHOLE didn´t perish and/or became undead monstruoisities in the aftermath of Arthas´zombie apocalypse (yup, cause dear Lor´themar was too busy at the time anguishing over his massive screw up -A.K.A. Dar´khan- to actually think about the future of the race. It was Kael´thas the one to make them realize that, while they will never be able to run from their dependence and a guaranteed source for potential further disaster and disgrace, their world still wasn´t over and as surviving individuals they still had a life to live. THAT dude was something Lor´themar honored in respect of the man that put a new name over his race to honor the loses and the hope for a better future).

Kael´thas is pretty much an open wound that both Lor´themar AND Rommath still haven´t closed (I mean a decade after and Bob STILL anguishes and hurts over it ffs). To have them BOTH interact with Kael´thas so things finally get closure would be amazing and would finally end the narrative tale of Kael´thas Sunstrider. I´d love for Kael´thas to both recognize his sins and misdeeds against his race, for him to ask forgiveness but too for him to recognize the good work his replacements have done since then (and, like the petty Belf fangirl that I am, I´m totes in favor of Kael´thas officially reinforcing Lor´trhemar´s right to rule in the noses of the Windrunner airheads, so they finally get the hijnt and GTFO of their “muh Silvermoon” dreams).


you can easily tell it is a bait thread meant for discussing since OP hasnt replied much or at all.

I was with you up until this.

What about bringing him back as a Khadgar/Medivh type character?

love it! He’d work great as a medivh type.

If I wanted any blood elf mage to be a medivh type, it’d be Rommath. Kael’thas is a traitor.

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I’d also be on board for them using Kael’thas story to develop Rommath and turn him into a major lore character – but I find this less likely.

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