The two criminals responsible for this war crime are still running around free and unhindered. I say it is time to get some justice for the lives lost at Dalaran. Jaina Proudmoore and Vereesa Windrunner have to be catched and executed for what they did during the Purge. Both of their heads will be cut off and brought to Lor’themar Theron on a golden plate. Bal’a dash! No peace with the Alliance until we have our final justice i say. Get these criminals and deal with them once and for all.
Remember that one time in Cataclysm when Thrall said “Lok’tar, friend. What is it you wish?”.
When he said that, man. I felt it.
The Blood Elves kind of got what they deserved in that instance.
I expected nothing else from a void Traitor. Shame on you.
My dude you need to find a new hobby other than trolling both the NA and EU forums.
Aren’t Blood Elves “Fel traitors” then?
I will not stop until I get what I want. And that is Jaina and Vereesa dead.
Perhaps if the Sunreavers had nobler intentions and less self-victimization, having surrendered themselves when ordered too, there would not have been a massacre methinks.
Purposefully engaging in a nefarious plot is entirely on them.
No it was the silver covenant who committet a war crime. Stop lying you stinky alliance hypocrite-
This made me laugh, thank you so much for brightening my afternoon. It is much appreciated.
I see nothing wrong with using the Fel for our own desire.
Why stop at just Fel!? Give it time someday there will be a prismatic elf that uses all of the magic!
How is Fel any better than Void though?
They are the best!
Your as much of a traitor as her, you filthy mana/fel addict!
I don’t have voices in my head telling me things. Well at least not those void kind of voices.
We all know the lesser classes have trouble with the voices. Priests … pfft
lol, the Horde kills more people in a single afternoon than Jaina did during the Purge
Even Lor’themar understands that Dalaran and Jaina weren’t responsible for Dalaran’s Sunstrider purging…that was all Aethas’ fault for vouching for an entire faction and tying them to his bumbling actions…