Justice for the purge of Dalaran

They totally are. And I will not stop complaining about it until she is dead.

Aethas could have at several points completely avoided the purge… his incompetence as a diplomat and council member was what doomed Dalaran’s Blood Elf populace to death/imprisonment… I don’t even know why Lor’themar had Rommath yank him out of prison anyways… he failed…

Aethas stated: “No more Blood Elf betrayals will happen I swear!!” and then the exile’s reach portal incident happened, the third such incident since Aethas joined the council…

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Aethas is honestly a walking calamity of incompetence at this point. I detested letting him back into Dalaran during the Mage scenario of Legion; now I’m waiting for his next blunder to unleash death and destruction again.


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Blizz has never explained this, nor why Shadow Priests are allowed. Fel is still allowed to power the city. It was never updated.

Dalaran and Camp Tauarajo are nothing compared to do the dumb **** the Horde has done over the years and it never stops being funny when horde players that still care about the faction war keep bringing them up uwu


Blood elves don’t rely on fel anymore and haven’t since TBC. SMC is just stuck in TBC because it hasn’t been updated since then.

Do you just mean the city wasn’t updated?

Lore wise I thought Rommath had told the player that the Fel crystals had been removed and no longer power the city.

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Yes, I mean physically. Because this has presented a problem with players believing that fel is gone. Just like they don’t believe that player characters didn’t suck fel. They need to make stuff like this more clear.

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