Just wow lol

Warmane bots their own servers to make the population look better

Idk why you’re trying to compare a possible current pop to an older pop number with both being from official.

Im talking now and private server pop comparison. It doesn’t matter if original LK had 100k or 100 million. Irrelevant.

Im unbelievably tired of you just going off in some dumb direction. Before you respond, reread that quote. That’s it. Start and End.

I’d guess that’s probably pretty accurate.
And I’d also guess Blizzard makes more money off WoW today with 4 million subs than it did with 12 million. Significantly more. It’s all about the cash shop and micro-transactions.

You know they made more money from their first cash shop mount (the Celestial Steed) than they did from Starcraft 2? Think about that…a mount that took a couple days to create makes more money than a multi-year project employing who knows how many people, paying overtime and committing endless resources.

And people wonder why Blizz abandoned making good games and switched their business model to milking whales.

The queues are a bit insane too. I remember AV weekend was always popping, people must just be sick of how the bots are ruining PVP.

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