Just wow lol

I just entered an AV game and i kid you not there was 12 REAL players and 28 rogue bots lol. Like come on blizzard, this is a joke at this point. Literally a sea of yellow bots…

The 12 of us just had to laugh at the situation… really what else can you do (other than afk out, which we did eventually).

28 rogue bots… literally joke blizzard. Get your act together.


It’s so bad. We laugh in the /instance chat almost every time at how pathetic this supposed “recreation” of an expansion is. They make $$ and the bots drive engagement numbers at the expense of the players who actually wanted these servers. Sub fee to play WSG with 8 bots each team all the rogues multistacked unstealthed with 9k hp. PVP, economy and player experience is worse due to the botting but all the blue posts have been chat gpt customer service robotic generated fluff.


Back in the day, a dev would have took care of that real quick, as they were actually in the game…lol. Today, that will never happen.

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more bots more $$$ blizz don’t care xD
at least private servers they ban hackers asap

Blizzard only cares about $ and bots make them money.

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Private servers literally back dooring items to players for $$ and we’re pretending they’re on the up and up

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Not all do, I played on different wrath priv servers for almost 10 years, they have better scripting and actual customer support unlike Lizzard, plus they ban any bots or hacking activity instantly
Warmane is one of the worst, they charge ppl to skip the log in que

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It was a tough pill to swallow for me, but im done with WoW, and frankly Activision-Blizz as a whole. If theyre not a bot, they meta-game the hell out of it and utterly remove any happiness from the game. Then you have the pay-to-win games such as Diablo, Hearthstone, and the new Rumble. It was a good 17 year run for me, but Ill be enjoying other titles for the time being. Still lurk these forums at work from time to time.


I’m almost there.

There are more bots in PVP than real players LoLoLoL
they need to boost their stock price as it really took a hit after the allegations, who knows what Microsoft will do but I won’t be around, either. There is too much toxicity in the player base who kick people if they are not sweaty turbo nerd min max try harding

like someone prophesized, the real Wow killer will be WoW itself" (the community)

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I will pitch eve here. We can shoot our bots. Even if same side. Open pvp mean open pvp. Corp, Fleet, faction mates can be targets too.

That means shooting blues is allowed and you deal with the consequences of that after.

Not many care if you shoot bots from the play base. Easy to spot usually. same_name 1, same_name 2, same_name 3…

I just DI whatever lead bot I can find when I get in BG’s now as a paladin, then try to persuade everybody in the bg to report it afk.

Issue there is blizzard does their housecleaning, in theory, on quarterly cycles.

The issue being this gives bots 2-3 months to gear up and do whatever they do on the farm.

Look we banned 100K accounts!

Okay…100K accounts doing their thing for 2 months to make money. With profit. And now…some of that 100K makes new accounts.

The bans for some botters is a business expense. Its like…buying paper and toner for the copiers. Its a few thousand dollar expense. which is fine as long profit is made. Cost of business stuff.

The main issue with no banning bots more frequently is that the bot-script makers will catch on to what changed in a recent update and change their code accordingly. When they do it in waves after a longer period, there are more possibilities of what change got them caught and it takes them longer to bounce back. Or something like that, i only have a rough understanding.

Im not much of a pvp guy, even in WoW. been playing a lot of BG3 and the motocross games i like (Reflex and a newer one, TrackdayR)

As often as not, there are more bots than players in BG’s. That is not an exaggeration. And the same bots are there, day after day, week after week. It’s not okay.

So why would Blizz ever ban them? If bots count for that many subs, the bean counters will never drive them away.

They do token ban waves that accomplish nothing. They’re just for show. They have to keep it worthwhile for bots to keep coming back. That’s a big part of their business plan. And don’t believe any Blue post on the topic. It’s all BS.

more bots = more $$$$$
beep boop 01 10 110 1001

There are bots that can write bots now. We’re at a point where bad games should just die and create a void for something new to fill the market space. Force complacent companies to create good stuff again, not rest on the laurels of past IP. Can’t even accomplish the simplest things anymore, incompetence forgiven by a complacent customer base. So many bots, shrug, bots = money for blizzard blah blah blah, oh well throw your hands up in the air I guess, that’s a wrap boys.

Any game where botting can be significantly rewarding, or give the botters an edge over regular players… those are not really worth playing. Like every mobile game ever made, and most MMO systems. It’s no longer a viable genre in the modern setting.

Like if humankind evolved to the point where we all developed telepathy, reading each others’ minds and stuff, the game of poker would become no longer viable in that modern setting. If you look at the games that still go strong, maybe even stronger year after year are skill based games where the reward of playing is the journey, just playing for the sake of playing, no point botting, and outright cheaters just get banned. None of this nonsense.


As long as there is a official place, people will play there. Seems there won’t be in 6 months or less, so…