Just wow lol

The rogue boostie bots in pvp are obvious and getting ridiculous. Fun easy reports though.


I mean, i understand the premise of this, but i dont buy it. I think they let them be profitable so they continue making new accounts to continue botting, the ban waves are just to increase the profitability of the bots and “appease” the legitimate players.

As well as a maximize of a couple of thousand of players.

I’m really not a fan of Blizzard, but let’s not sit here and pretend the situations are even remotely similar.

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I have a feeling a multi-billion dollar company has more resources than some guys hosting a server in their garage.

Blizz could easily address the issue. They choose not to.

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I don’t disagree, but you didn’t disagree with what I said either which is this:

I can manage a MC server with my friends. Does that automatically translate to monitoring hundreds of thousands of people? No.

And neither does the couple thousand people.

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Yes, there’s less players on a private server…but actually not that much less compared to Classic. Especially if you didn’t count the Classic bots which very conservatively you could say are maybe 25% of the playerbase.

Blizzard has so much money they could invest into policing the game. Hire just a couple GMs to roam the world and ban bots in real time (very important). The bots are incredibly obvious for all to see. There’s no mystery. They don’t hide themselves.

But they won’t do it. And yet private servers do. At least most of them. And again, while there’s less players they have nowhere near the money Blizz does. So your example casts Blizz in an even worse light.

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actually over 10 thousand
There have been more than a few Wrath servers packed to the gills over the years, the tbc, cata and mop ones all died in under a year. My favourite was a 1x rate where you had to do naxx to unlock ulduar, then toc, etc- population was 1000-4000 people usually around 2000

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There is no discussion if you’re going to try to present fake numbers as fact.

Ah, so Mankrik server in TBC during SSC/TK.

If your peak is a lowish end of the high pop (Not even full, unlike multiple other servers) of a single server, you already proved my point.

Wrath expansion has always had the most amount and highly populated private servers going strong for over 10 years, the interest & demand is there & they did it better than blizzard
don’t like it? don’t agree with it ? it’s still true

Then you could provide any sort of evidence to back that up, correct.

Actually, I don’t care, and here’s why, let me requote it for you :point_down:

No one is saying people don’t play on private servers. What I am saying, and listen closely, is that Blizzard sucks and SHOULD do more, especially since they have the resources to do it.

That said, your example peaks at my server during one of it’s lowest populations during TBC. Just my server. That’s ignoring Faerlina, Whitemane, Bene, Grobb, whatever the popular latam server was, the popular Aussie server, all of Europe, and the former Chinese players who had their servers during this time period.

What I am saying, despite ultimately overall agreeing that Blizzard should do more, is that your justification hurts this argument. You are hurting your own stance by actively just lying the entire time, and trying to say that managing Mankrik’s population is somehow equal to managing the entire population. It is not, because that increase in population, increases stress across the board on the technical level, and increases the amount of malicious actors who make big money doing illicit things in wow. It is safe to argue that it is an exponentially increased challenge at Blizzard’s scale, than your peak 10k, which, again, is the low end of a high pop server in TBCC. Just one.

Not when you provide literally no evidence, and when I tried to google for any numbers, all I got was “GO PLAYWOW CIRCLE” or whatever, which isn’t even a name I recognize. Atleast I recognize Warmane’s name.

Screaming it’s true, doesn’t make it true. Please, heat up those brain cells before you respond, before you kill mine.


Yes it does. For the sake of argument, if private servers have 1 GM per 2,000 players, WoW having 10 GMs for 20,000 players would have the same affect.

It’s called ratio, and it’s why you don’t see one waiter in a restaurant with 50 tables or fifty waiters in a restaurant with 10 tables.

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Nice fake numbers you made up on the spot.

Also thanks for reading this part :point_down:

Thanks for reading this part, and ignoring 2/3rds of it for your point that, once again, has fake numbers you made up on the spot.

First edit was spelling but this second one, I forgot to even add in the next sentence that breaks your y=x ratio.

I explicitly say exponentially and you still came in and said “yeah but muh y=x though for these private servers” like it means anything relevant to what I said.


Warmane, before that Molten Wow/ Arena Tournament, Dalaran-WoW, Crusade Gaming, Eternal Wow, tons of Russian & Spanish only servers, on the 3.3.5 trinity core not this janky half baked version running on top of Legion

I played on and off on Dalaran-wow server (10 years old now) & it was the best wrath experience- 1x rates, progressive raiding, no donate for gear shop, buffed naxx ulduar, Lizzard’s version filled with bots paled in comparison.

there have been so many wrath servers over the years that people would had a hard time choosing- some would be full while others quite empty because there were so many options. I have no idea why you are mad, people love this expansion & it has nothing to do with your opinions or misguided arguments.

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Exactly, you don’t even know what I’m defending.

My entire stance, is that Blizzard, I feel, due to how massive the population of official wow is, is exponentionlly harder to manage, than a few servers where the total population is roughly one of Blizzard’s not even full NA servers.

Cool, there could be 10k in each group, but if each group is managed by a different host, then each individual host is only dealing with 10k people. The collective number doesn’t matter because no Pserver host is hosting the “ENTIRE” Pserver player base, unlike Blizzard who is hosting all of the only available official servers.

I think it’s not a linear “get more gms lol” fix, for their scale.

That is my point.

I dont care if you like pservers. Go play them.

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They fired 800+ employees & don’t even do in game support anymore, they don’t address scripts in arena or bots everywhere in all versions…

anyways if you combined current retail + all classic versions populations together it would still be a small part of the total number during original Wrath. Blizz got so embarrassed that they stopped posting population metrics

It’s truly impressive how private servers did well for 10 years, yet people on these forums claim there is little interest to play Wrath

I know, they’re a bad company. I already said this.

Like, you guys went off in every direction, when my stance is, I think the scales aren’t the same, and it isn’t just an easy “lol get more gms” like others have said in this very thread.

Irrelevant, and speculation at best. We know millions still play at a baseline as a total across all of wow. How high, don’t know, but worldwide, it is still in the millions.

Not really. Not at their scale. High end MC servers have higher pops than most wow pservers do, and they do just fine.

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estimated 4 million subs in all wow versions currently
so 1/3rd of during peak Wrath around 11-12 million

I went around looking at vanilla era servers & they are all dead, especially oceanic & eastern. Warmane has a much higher population because people want to play wrath with no changes

The worst part is 99.99% of those accounts will charge back the boost cost meaning blizzard get’s nothing. They’re just lazy and refuse to hire in-game GMs.

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They’re saps, too.

Botters just have some patsy make an account so they can “hack” it. Then when it does get flagged, they pretend it was hacked get charged back. It costs them nothing.

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