Lucas probably didnt expect Disney to completely butcher SW, kinda gotta blame some of the fans for driving him to sell SW anyway with the prequel hate. The prequels were not as bad as they made them out to be. The sequels however are terrible.
more…you mean more. Lucas gave us jar Jar. Disney may have put the final bullet in the head to put the beast out of its misery. They finished off what he started.
I was a kid when jar jar was a thing. So at the time, i didnt care. He was funny to me. Perhaps that’s what the character was aim at? Either way, get over it.
And I highly doubt George would have made Snoke or the lame af First Order and killing off his own characters needlessly.
The prequels WERE pretty bad, and it was Lucas who made decisions like Jar Jar, Midichlorians, “Han didn’t shoot first”, stuff like that.
It’s entirely plausible Lucas would have done even worse with the sequels if they’d been done under his control. Hell, some of the stories of what was vetoed/happened during the filming and creation of the original trilogy is pretty bad.
Eh, different people will come down on different sides of that.
One could also propose that at least some of the choices Disney took were influenced by the responses/decisions Lucas had made back in the day. Would BB-8 even be a thing if C-3PO and R2-D2 weren’t milked for that merch money? There are even bad aspects of Disney’s story that are lifted from early Lucas drafts, or the EU. I don’t think we really needed Jacen Solo and that whole nonsense.
I’m picturing it sort of like when a parent sees another person’s kid throwing a tantrum. You get to walk away going “Not my kid”.
It might even be a relief to watch it knowing that no one can pin things on you, and that you got out before you had to compromise/watch some of the worst stuff happen. No one’d want to be the captain as the lawsuits are coming in.
Yes, because I believe they were. And I made a mistake and mixed up a part I saw 5 years ago. Apparently, you’ve never made a mistake, seeing as you’ve harped on it 3 times now.
Yep, the goal is not writing a story, hell the goal is not even breaking the lore. The goal is obviously, trashing the old lore. For some reason, it seems Danuser has a vendetta against the OG lore and the writers.
I am not sure why but I think He has a superiority complex. He think He can write better story and character and hates previously written and loved stuff.
Sylvanas(his) little speech against Arthas clearly shows that. Why try to destroy and dis one of the most beloved char from Warcraft franchise otherwise ?
Im not really seeing the issue. Dreadlords have been known to impersonate others quite often. They were made to be master spies and what easier way to spy than shapeshifting like we’ve seen them do quite a bit?
… Why do you people write/think this crap? It’s obviously untrue, especially in this case, because the claim of the OP is demonstrably false. No, those NPCs were not Dreadlords.
The people running WoW now had nothing to do with the massive success of the game. They’re riding on the backs of the original devs. Maybe there’s some bitterness there. Maybe it’s a toxic environment where actual skill and talent is subsidiary to ‘playing the game’, as is often the case in office politics.
There’s a monumental difference between truly creating something vs. attempting to sustain that creation when the originators depart. When you’re a fledgling company that needs to succeed, the most talented rise to the top. The quality of the product is of paramount importance. When you’re already standing atop the mountain…where is there to go? Steve Jobs did an interview about what often happens to successful business. The creative people are driven out and the sales people take over.
To your point about not taking criticism…that definitely seems to be true. Maybe that harkens back to the bitterness or wanting to prove themselves and take the story in a different direction and not rely on what came beforehand. And therefore trash the past. And if players say the story sucks it’s easier just to proclaim that such a complaint is ignorant, or racist, or sexist, or whatever other excuse they come up with to attempt to invalidate any kind of criticism. That’s kind of just how our society works these days.
To respond; Blizzard legit came out and said,
“Oh, no. They’ve never impersonated these people. Rather they’re practicing taking a myriad of forms and personalities to ensure their deceptions work wonders.” They’re more an easter egg than anything.