Just wanna get this off my mind

fairly upset right now.
solo que 3v3.
player starts calling me a trash player, tells me i have no idea how to play the game, tells me to “take a few breaths” when I try to retalliate, spends the next 3 games tantalizing me with more trash talk while jumping up and down doing circles around me while were on the same team not doing any damage or dps. try to message player after game, “no player with that name playing”. reported. gets another message from same player AFTER THAT and blizz flagged it as an innapropriate message and wouldn’t send it through.

thanks for blocking that message blizz. people like that really do get under my skin and the message you auto-blocked probably sove me a whole new level of being pissed off.
-kudos, your buddy, Ireadar


Report them. Whisper PvP is rarely worth it. If you go into Rated PvP, and a member of your team is intentionally throwing the game and trash talking, you can just right-click report 'em.


If someone whispers you in PvP, they’ve already gone too far and you’ve won the mental game, and they’re also stupid enough to risk a report.

It’s just never worth it. No matter how frustrated they may be.


People like that get a kick out of making other people unhappy. I know its frustrating but try to remember that for the one idiot there are a whole lot of other decent people playing this game we love.

Put your report in, put them on Ignore and try to find the fun in the game, just to spite them - and good luck. :sunglasses:

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Reminds me of recently, when an evoker with seeming brain damage “rescue’d” me into the falling rocks on H Sark. I put him on ignore after pointing out his garbage play, but apparently it so angered him that he went on a tirade that turned the raid against him and ended up getting him kicked.
If someone gets hostile over a video game like that they’re generally not worth talking to or hearing out.

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That upsets you? Seriously?

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Yeah, some people didn’t get the memo that “kill your fellow raiders for teh lulz” is only acceptable during break, while people are still arriving, or after the boss is dead, assuming you are familiar with the people in the group and they permit it at all.

I am a R1 Multiglad when it comes to Whisper PvP though, nothing seems to tilt the ragers more than just answering with “Kay.” Last time, one made an alt just to spam my whispers, betting that I couldn’t best him in a duel and trying to get a rise out of me. My answer? “Nah, don’t want to waste time, doing my legacy raid mount farm now.” He nearly blew a gasket.


I just had something happen on my alt, though in PvE in a +2 RLP, before even starting. Shaman asked when they should lust, I made my suggestion, group leader then removes me and whispers “don’t be a backseat driver, R word” removed

People are just miserable all around. Report and move on.


Don’t PvP in this game, or any online game, if you don’t have a thick skin and are able to emotionally detach from balance issues, people’s behavior, winning and losing, etc.

I tried a few times over the years and my mood would inevitably sour every time I really engaged with rated PvP in this game. Now I just don’t and I have a better time.

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Sabotage is a reportable offense. I don’t usually condone reporting people for raging in PvP but for sabotage in rated it’s warranted.

Its not about having a thick skin, its about people who can’t act like a decent human being, more than likely they live a miserable existence.


Yes, but you can’t change other people, so the only sensible solution is to change how you relate to them and how you do things. If you can’t “not care”, and I failed to do that in rated PvP where many people’s emotions run high, you’re better off not engaging in that content. There will always be jerks, and competitive activities bring out the worst in many people.

It’s why I stopped doing rated PvP. It just didn’t make me feel good, and I don’t play games to feel angry or upset or resentful half the time. You can get that in M+ too, but it’s easier to find chill and mannered people to do M+ with.


You cant control other people but you can control how you react to other people, specially randos which you will never see again



Why let people upset you?

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Right there is where you should have right click reported and then put them on ignore without giving them a second more of your time or energy. They were never going to get upset about this the way you did, and responding to them was exactly what they wanted.

And if you’re going to respond, you want to do so in a manner that baits them into saying something that would get them actioned

Report - Ignore - Move on.

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Don’t do this, ever. Block them.

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im 34 years old. ive dealt with my share of shameful people.
for someone to win someone has to loose. always remember.
if you look at my win/loss ratio you can see that i’ve encountered my share of losses.
i never get upset. i dont watch my team mates through a microscope and judge a match lost on a misused spell or trinket. if you look at my ratio again, you will see that i have played a LOT of games. the kind of people that harass (and yes it is harassement) others after or even during a match are the worst kind of people.

what really starts my brain sizzeling again is when people say things like

miss click of a button perhaps? maybe there were a few things going on during gameplay that didn’t allow for a perfect placement after being rescued? but you choose to see this as someone with brain damage? so what kind of person does that make you?

yes, as a person who can read and experience emotions it does bother me quite some bit.
its like a bait troll situation. people press other peoples “buttons” to the point where they lash out then the one who’s just trying to defend themselves is the one who usually gets reported and banned.

if it was fair game i’d throw rocks back at people all day. but that dosent make it right. i dont feel good calling people to the dirt while doing something they enjoy doing and most often I find myself trying to improve morale and gameplay for the people I play with instead of spending time being a bum hat

I’ll compare it all to rec-league hockey I played in back in college.
a bunch of guys just trying to get exercise and pass the puck around a bit and score a goal, maybe ,with minimal equipment needed. then you get “the man” who shows up fully geared just off the tail of a semi-pro tournament and goes around the rink at full speed full body checks, not passing the puck to anyone and slamming the poor goalie with pucks around 140km/hr.
alright man. got your point. i guess im not playing the rest of the year. sad. I enjoyed playing hockey, only got 1 game in and realized this guy is going to be playing with us the rest of the season. nah thanks. im just here for a good time, its rec-league.

With how insistent they were that it was the right move, I doubt it.

Then he shouldn’t have used it.
He didn’t save anybody, killed one of the handful of DPS pulling their weight and the group wiped anyway.

Certainly not a very nice kind, especially to those that make really dumb mistakes and refuse to recognize them as such, and even less to people that seem to intentionally try and grief me and by extension the groups I’m in.

I would advise against playing solo shuffle.

I’ve done a lot of it this expac, spent a lot of time tabbed out of WoW and playing other games while I waited on queues. Got pretty much all the elite sets I cared to get. Even got some I didn’t care to get at all just because I could. It is really not worth the extra stress in your life to do this to yourself.

Personally, I’m waiting to see how rated BG blitz works out next expac, should be better.