Just wanna get this off my mind

you and I are a different breed. is there any way i can put a “do not play with” flag on you right here and now?

Have been “rescued” to the bottom of the lava lake around Mag’s platform multiple times. Hasn’t been succesful in killing me yet but Evokers/Dracthyr are built for trolls from appearance to abilities. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Probably just be on the lookout for my name, I guess.
I don’t PvP anymore, hate it, so you won’t need to worry about running into me there outside of Comp Stomp.

2.6k in s1, 2.7k in s2, 2.8k in s3, he wasn’t new and even if he was it doesn’t merit going nuts and flaming just because I said, “so i had to eat rocks mk”.

rescue is not an easy one to learn. maybe you were just playing with a new evoker.
how it works is if you keybind rescue, wherever your mouse is on the screen is where it willl take you both. maybe the player didn’t have a full grasp and was working on how to use it properly.
i’ll be honest and say i’ve had a handfull of bad rescues myself in the beginning.

Honestly? These people should catch perma-bans at a much lower threshold. That’d stop it pretty quick.

I’ve seen intentional trolling with it many times. My default expectation when I see a drac in the party is that I will be trolled with it at some point.

no different than how some people feel after being “pulled” by a priest i guess?

PvP players: "Why is PvP in WoW dying?
Also PvP players: treats new players like crap, insults and trash talks their own teammates
Also also PvP players: “Why did I get a 10 day suspension Blizzard? I didn’t do nothing!”


Welcome to World of Warcraft, the friendlist most wholesome MMO on the market.


like this?

Right. Well I honestly don’t know what to say. If I knew a guy was out to get a reaction out of me the last thing I’d do is give it to him. These people, who try to get a reaction out of you like that, they do it because they have no power over you. That is the only way they can get some, the ONLY way for them. Knowing that, how can anything these people do can upset you is beyond me.

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Well coincidentally if they pull that on my priest the favor will certainly be returned. :slight_smile:

You need to have thick internet skin if you want to pvp.

Apathy also works. Don’t stress over losses, it happens. Statistically, it’s gonna happen near 50% of the time.

And if someone gets mad that you let them die, do it again. On purpose. Be happy to let them die.

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cant do that unfortunatley, healers code. :frowning: