Just cancelled my subscription here is the reason why I’m quitting. Hopefully, this ends up in someone’s hands that can make changes.
- Outstanding Bugs / Balance
The community has waited patiently. We get extremely minor PvP adjustment and no adjustments to some classes that painfully need it like resto druid / mistweaver. We see a prot pally in the AWC but no rDruid / MW. The game feels bad.
Healing room bug has been a bug since BFA. There literally has been zero communication about this.
Mind Control bug is still a thing after a hilarious showing in the AWC. Not being able to cast mind control in competitive arena is crushing to some comps.
These bugs have been in the game for months / years. Seems like there is zero drive to fix them.
- Covenants / Soulbinds
Tired of these systems. Limiting player power by gross margins depending upon the type of content is sad. Locking them from re-specing and using the optimal soulbind is also sad. Just let us play the game. I never got to play the covenant I really wanted (necro). I don’t want to play night fae.
- Customer Service
This was the nail in the coffin. I can’t believe how bad GMs are now and how you treat your customer’s. It might not even be the GM’s fault, just bad policy but hell. I made a legendary that didn’t do what the tooltip said. After testing I went to sleep cause it was getting late, I woke up and worked, hopped on and opened a ticket to refund the legendary cause it 100% isn’t working as the tooltip suggest.
Get slapped with a “Oh hey bud, sorry about that. Unfortunately its been too long and this seems like a change of heart rather than a mistake.” What kind of service is that? Maybe make your tooltips properly and I wouldn’t have a change of heart. At the very least, just help me out. Been a customer for 15 years, playing an annoying expansion and you can’t refund two hours of my time because I didn’t make a ticket soon enough (mind you, I made this ticket not even 24 hours after crafting the legendary and testing with it)?
Anyways, GGs. Later Wow.
And they’re ALL VALID COMPLAINTS but watch the Blizzard Employee’s here come and defend them. This game is absolute GARBAGE now thanks to Blizzard/Actavision. All they’re doing is TAKING and not giving back now.
It is okay if they do. This is meant as feedback for the devs / support team. I don’t particularly care what forum dwellers have to say =)
Good luck in Azeroth though.
Unfortunately, the devs/ support team don’t seem to care what players have to say.
Good question: The legendary is call Disciplinary Command.
Tooltip reads:
Casting a Frost, Fire and Arcane spell within 10 sec of each other increases your Critical Strike damage of all your spells by 15%. This effect can only occur once every 30 sec.
It doesn’t proc off spells of these schools. It will only proc off Mage specific, Arcane, Frost, Fire damaging abilities. So things like Arcane Intellect / Radiant Spark (my biggest gripe) won’t contribute to the proc but according to the tooltip, they would.
Why in the world do people make any decisions based on what happens at the top 1/2 % of 1%??? Like you reference AWC several times…so you watched a stream? Cool. And…why does that matter?
The funniest thing about that link to me is Tichondrius lol. WTF is that 11.4%?!?!
Edit: Oh hey I see you’re on Sargeras. What is it with Sargeras premades doing random BGs? Like why is that a thing? I’ve been stomped in several randoms by groups from your server, but besides the random conquest points, what’s the point?
There really aren’t that many PvPers in the game. We all flocks to Tich-Horde / Sargeras-Alliance =)
No, it’s that they don’t read GD, and why would they? It’s a cesspool of spergs.
Nearly every major change from multiple specs to the current loot system were player ideas. The people on this message board are just mad cause they want personal attention.
When you quit, they literally direct you here to leave feedback.
imagine being so angery that arcane intellect didnt proc a legendary that you unsubbed.
If you pay fo something you want this “something” work. I understand in WoW is many people who just pay for game only becouse they do that from years, and they precious mount collection or achievements is so important part of their life.
But… Some people play in GAMES (Yes, WoW is a game, not second life, not work, not something important, not part of life) for fun, and if you pay to play, you want have this fun and also… BE READY! Working game!
You missed the point entirely. They didn’t unsub because of a proc. They unsubbed because they made a choice based on a tool tip description that didn’t work the way it said, asked for the company to help with the issue and got told no.
no, the new battle net app has a blue light bulb. click to give feedback. no need to come to general, but feel free if you love wow enough to cry about it.
When you quit, Blizzard directs you here.
For future reference OP don’t listen to the automated suggestion you come to the General forum to post why your leaving because nobody from the company actually reads this forum.
No you want someone to notice, go to Twitter and leave your I’m quitting because to one of the developers or to Customer Service.
Good luck where ever your adventures take you, may your satchels be full of gold and your travel mount always take you where you want to go.
/#Stay Safe, Stay Healthy
Yep sure.
Everyone who disagrees with you is clearly an employee of Blizzard
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Then stop condoning such behavior and take your time, energy, and money elsewhere.

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