WHAT a disappointment…
You actually took the time to unlock that abomination?
honestly if i knew i wouldn’t have. I took a break and just returned. I wanted to switch my human rogue to Kul but thought there would be other options.
I did too I couldn’t get past the character creation page
I actually like Kul’tirans but I can’t bring myself at this time to mess around with alliance.
That’s just like, your opinion, man.
The druid forms and heritage armor are tip top. Level one, earn the armor and you’ll love it!
You have just unlocked another race that is considered a different race because they are chubby.
That’s me for Horde, I loved Mag’har but moment I stepped into those cities and saw all them spikes and murky settings I cringed. Then when I was told to report to Nathanos with his belittling I’m nothing but trash tone, even after I helped defeat the Legion. Logged out. Yep, I can live without that white wolf mount lol.
I have a nelf I like, I don’t care for the other alliance races.
I’m giving it an honest try for the achievement/mounts, but it’s a real slog. The Alliance just has no compelling story. It’s SO boring.
Exactly. Alliance needs action, drama or something. Someone needs to die over on the alliance. I would say Jaina needs to die because all the other leaders are nowhere to be found. Or Jaina needs to have an affair with Thrall, something needs to happen over there. lol
I will say the Druid forms are cool, don’t know what the Heirtage armor looks like. But other than that it seems, very lack luster.
Only drustvar is interesting.

That’s some creative use of that word right there. Not the one I’d use.
You can actually customize allied races before unlocking them. Dunno why ya didnt utilize it before taking the time to grind the rep and realize you didnt like it.
I find it kind of weird no one likes them. Now they fix animation. The mages and lock looks good. The rogues and warriors are half decent. Druids forums are top notch.
I have so far got my war and druid up to 100. Been busy. Let face it. The writers do no justice to alliance. Alliance gets boring. Horde get a butchery job of have way finish stories that makes zero sense. At least some are interesting. Even though then never finish them. heck some even do not have a beginning only a mid way approach.
Still hoping the fix faces. I know you only get two standards ones. The ones for male and female seem off. Not sure. What it is. It driving me nuts.
I felt the same way about the Mag’har orcs, I was so excited and when I finally got him he was just like a regular orc with another skin that I could not see anyways with my armor.
Personally I think what made it feel like a disappointment is the amount on effort in grinding for something that is almost the same, I think they should have at least a different dance and maybe something that makes them stand out visually like bigger size weapons for Kul tirans, bigger shoulders than normal for Mag’har orc or bones sticking out the back of Zandalary.
I think the only ones who have this are the dark iron dwarves with their cool fiery hair and eyes.
it is just that Allied races are not really worth the effort and time.
I was working on it until I hit a road block when I got to the part I had to run a dungeon to get the next part done. Not sure why blizzard locked both alliance allied races behind dungeons. Guess I’ll get them when I out level the dungeon and can solo it.
It takes like 15-20 minutes to do a dungeon with a group tho