i wanna speak to your manager
That’s not how the word is used. It is used on all age ranges, race, and gender. It would be like saying ‘Boomer’ is specifically only targeting old white men which isn’t true.
You can find Karen used without knowing someone’s identity, you can even look up Karen compilations and find 20 year old men in them.
Why are we so concerned for the Karens and not for the Kevins? This thread’s very topic is sexist and exclusionary.
just gonna toss this out there… karen marsh was the best karen
Briefly there was a customer support mod’s reply to you and it stated that the reason for the closure was “name calling” and the only possible name you could’ve called anyone was Karen. Whereas idk if you recall but when I objected to the terms use everyone fell all over themselves to tell me it was fine and acceptable. So by their own rules you should’ve been able to use that term without repercussions.
That comment by the mod who closed it is now gone. But it was there.
Same, I brought too!
Well i got banned on here for calling someone a snow flake, so lol
Misandrist exclusion of the Kevins is cool to you?
I’ve searched this thread for mentions of “Kevin” and have found only my own.
Saying ‘stupid’ and -calling- someone ‘stupid’ will hold similar results.
I think “karen” is a perfectly appropriate term. It’s like “busybody” but means not just somebody who’s sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong, but also trying to dictate the behavior of everyone around them, by doing so.
Everything about this reply is disengenuous and you know it. Say “Geez what a Karen” and everyone would immediately know who you’re referring to.
Yes, the person who is complaining about nothing.
Karening intensifies
Now that I think about it Blood Elves do kind of fit the mold of the Karen.
I’d say Night Elves are the Kevins of WoW.
Easier to just move this to the CS Forum so I can post.
I don’t believe it is considered a slur, but it may be considered name calling, especially if directed. Language is an ever evolving thing.
Not entirely true. That might have been the only one you saw, it wasn’t the only one that existed before the post containing it was moderated.
Edit: Actually, the comment is still there. It is in the closed notes at the end of the thread.
Cause, you know… certain events and behaviors were exhibited by specific individuals, individuals mind you that haven’t been with the company for years now and it has zero to do with those who are still here or here now.
you claim the thread wasnt productive, despite also stating in the same thread yourself that my original request was valid.
which is it?
Thank you for the clarification. I look forward to everyone who called me a Karen in that thread facing consequences then.
I know your job probably feels like herding cats at times and this may not apply to you personally but it sure feels like double standards are being applied pretty often here on these forums.
I unlocked the thread for a moment to allow Sesamee to reply. Locking it back up again.
A thing can be both, Jarddy. The request was a valid suggestion, but the content of the thread after became increasingly unproductive. I locked the thread instead of deleting it so that our Community Management team can still collect the feedback, but it just wasn’t a good idea to allow it to continue.
Moderation is trying to find a balance between allowing folks to have discussions and share their opinions while also trying address the more aggressive posting styles and ways that people ‘communicate’. We’re not perfect, I’ll be the first to admit that, but we try to do what we can. Keep in mind, moderation is primarily reactive so the Moderation Team mostly only sees the reports that are generated for them to. If the post isn’t properly reported, they will likely never see or review the content.