Just to be clear: TBC servers or getting changes doesn't mean no "Museum" servers

That would be a really cool idea if it was done on retail. They could do scenarios during the quest lines that would scale you down to 60 like Timewalking…OR if they end up doing that possible level squish back down to 60 like there’s been talk of, then it’d be even better because then no downscaling would be needed

Jitters is a synonym for restlessness and boredom. :smiley:

More common usage invokes fear or concern to such a degree that it causes great unease and restlessness. Much like the NPC named Jitters in Duskwood who is practically afraid of his own shadow. :wink:

Hehhe… Well that little test certainly verifies what I already knew. I can pretty much say anything in this thread and you will argue the point. Your entire day has been this thread. Think about that for awhile.

I am out.

I spent a lot less time on this thread than you think I did, walls of text are something I’m very quick at firing off, coherency is another matter.

You do you though. :slight_smile:

No I want classic wow nothing more nothing less if they force the server to switch to TBC or wrath or classic+ I would cancel my subscription again. and if they are going to plan on doing it this I hope they tell us sooner rather then latter so I can just not bother with the whole thing.

if by fracture you mean brought back many who haven’t subbed in a while I dont see it has having fractured the player base it was already fractured.


You make up 16% of the posts in this thread. Going back 7 hours. This is one of those cases of the vocal minority and it shows. That is something that definitely needs to be pointed out for those that skim.

I don’t either. You don’t go to the exceptional lengths the Classic devs have gone to preserve authenticity to just turn around and throw it all away.

I think TBC is very much in the table, which is fine. It serves the same purpose of Classic: preserving a piece of WoW’s history.

Still, all these Classic+ threads by people who clearly never wanted Classic are taxing. We’re less than a week from release. I should be thrilled, but I’m bogged down by people trying to destroy the greatest game ever made for the second time (whether they realize it or not.)

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No to a bastardized version of classic. That will eventually lead us down the road to what retail is now.

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Yeah, this is the exact reason I think “Classic+” would ultimately go over like a lead balloon.

Agreed. Classic+ is WAY too risky and just opens the door for them to completely obliterate the Classic premise. #Nochanges remember?? The more I think about it, it’s obvious this is the people who play retail and didn’t want Classic to begin with, and now that it’s here, they are trying to railroad it

Apparently not because Bizz has said a few times they are not making BC Classic seperate and either they update 1.13 to 2.5 straight-up, or to 2.5 with changes.

And even then I expect those changes to be very light. BC wasn’t as bad of a time as people like to make it out as. Sure you’ve got Flying that we’ll all have long debates about if it’s worth changing or not, but LFG was not a controversy and won’t be once you explain to people that it’s not the 3.3 system, and I doubt anyone objects to Arenas.

OMG no. If they DON’T separate them and leave each of them as is, players will just quit all over again. Don’t they realize this??? Why waste all that effort to faithfully bring back vanilla only to sh*t all over it with with forcing everyone to BC?? This is NOT what we want.

You might want to include links to sources wherein Blizzard has stated this because we all need some serious clarification on this matter. Several people have already said in this thread and the TBC is on the table thread alone that if Classic progresses to TBC like WoW did the first time without making it optional that they would all quit again, or rather not even bother playing since Classic hasn’t gone live yet


TBC all the way.

I don’t think you understand that you’re trying to destroy classic before it’s even launched by encouraging the release of TBC. TBC did destroy WoW, entirely. People who can’t come to terms with that are just wrong.

ROFL nope just people who share your views are wrong.

BGs are the reason wpvp is dead…the massive amount of honor/marks/pvp gear/achievements etc just made it more desirable to do BGs than to wpvp in the game world and that’s a FACT. Flying had nothing to do with it

Citation needed.

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Look, I’m not a fan of TBC. I think it pales in comparison to Vanilla. It’s inferior in every aspect of the game.

to object to TBC servers would make me a hypocrite. For years I endured the Wall of No Trolls (many of whom now are coincidentally the Classic+ crowd), and so I can’t really argue against people who want what I wanted: to re-experience a piece of history in WoW’s past. They just happen to prefer a different period of time. So as long as they leave Classic alone…whatever.

It’s the Classic+ nonsense that needs to be stomped out since it is literally the opposite of Classic’s intention: to recapture that Vanilla experience. It’s doomed to fail and I would 100% quit if they ever went down that path.


By the way, flag that person’s post for trolling. He’s completely making that up.

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^ This guy gets it