Just to be clear: TBC servers or getting changes doesn't mean no "Museum" servers

There’s no reason for these things to be mutually exclusive.

TBC or “Classic+” as it has been dubbed can be completely separate to 1.13 servers. Everybody can get what they want as long as 1.13 servers always remain untouched.

Can we at least agree on that…?


Gimme dat classic+ with hyjal and original hellfire.


museums regularly touch up and repair their displays


Sure, idc what happens or what blizz/player base does with future content as long as my Whitemane server is untouched beyond phase 6


Classic+ would absolutely tarnish the entire point of Classic.

Whereas TBC or Wrath servers serve the same purpose of Classic: capturing a specific time period in WoW’s history. I have no problem with those as separate options. But Classic+ I’ll delete my characters and unsub. It would be a disaster.


Starting from 0 to 70 for BC I’m not sure a lot of people would like that. I mean we’re going to be doing 1-60 a lot in classic.


Pretty much this… people need to understand this. Also, Classic+ is honestly not a very good idea compared to a TBC option. Its way too much of a niche audience that would play this.


Character copy =D


Character copy to TBC servers. Not even a transfer, a COPY so they keep both.


“You think you do, but you dont…”

In other words, “You think you want classic WoW, but what you really want is something else.”

You’ll either get a continuation, or only “classic.” Not both. It doesn’t make sense to separate them and leave a “museum” to collect dust. Old buildings are demolished.


You think you do, but you don’t.

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Hear that, guys? Wrecking ball coming through the pyramids next week!

I think everyone wanting “Classic+” would be disappointed as it would inevitably include things they didn’t want, either as well as or instead of the things they did want, and it would be covered in marks of “this was made by the same people who made Bfa,” which a number of people seem to think they can somehow magically avoid by flipping a switch to have “like-Classic,” as though Bfa was not “what Ion et al. think WoW should be like.”

That said, as long as there are pure-Classic servers (and hopefully BC servers), I wouldn’t quit over Classic+ servers existing; I just wouldn’t play on them.


At this point, that argument seems pretty invalid. I think the interest for these things has been demonstrated to produce MORE than a viable player base.

Private Servers have been going strong for a decade, there’s no reason to believe Official Classic servers couldn’t maintain a viable player base without changes for the people that want them.

EDIT: Just to be clear though, if it wasn’t already apparent, there are A LOT of people that want changes. I want everyone to win in this.

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Would having a copy option solve that?

Giving each character a one-time copy option (one-time to prevent copy spam from building a ton of easy gold) would allow you to progress through BC from 60-70 without destroying your Classic server character.


That’s not even close to the same, there’s a reason content was cut - and it wasn’t because it was so amazing and they ran out of time to put it in, it’s because it didn’t meet the standards.

I know I don’t want Classic + and I know for damn sure that’s exactly where I’ll be quitting if that’s the choice instead of TBC.


It has nothing to do with you think you do but you don’t. It has everything to do with it’s not a good idea to make it.

Again, why do these things have to be mutually exclusive? Why can’t there be 1.13 servers the are in no way attached to “Classic+”?

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It’s already expected for expansions to get their own realms. They already made the mistake of forcing everyone to patch up the first time. There’d be no point going through all this if we were just going to end up back on retail. Personally, I’d love to play crusade/wrath again, but if I’m forced to patch to cataclysm, that’s when I’m cancelling my sub. That’s when the game went down the toilet, and I’m never playing it again, nor anything newer.


Because that would split the community and one of the two would die.

People would be more likely to play Classic and TBC simultaneously as they are two separate expansions. There is realistically no reason to play 1.13 if you want to play classic+ and there is no reason to play classic+ if you just want classic. They are literally the same game, just one has more content.

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Blizz would have to create the same name servers for BC. I would rather just merge classic with bc.