Just to be clear, and make sure are the fresh servers coming with Pre Patch?

Title asks it all. That said I apologize for being out of the loop. Just trying to prepare. Thanks all.

Im fairly sure its been confirmed. But also idc about fresh so i havnt kept up to date on it


Yes they are. See you there!

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Welcome back to the game and congratulations on your interest in our new fresh server experience!

We are tidying up the details on those new servers for you, but are working on communication as quick as possible!

Thank you for your interest in WOTLK classic, and see you in Northrend!

Yes fresh servers are coming wtih pre-patch.

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You’re out of the loop because this company chooses not to fill you in and actually communicate. It’s not you. It’s them. Don’t apologize for their shortcomings.

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It’s literally in the first blue post at the very top of the page but okay doomer

Make sure you prepare for a weeks worth of fun, after that start prepping a refugee kit as it dies soon after thst

It’s kinda weird that you are in every single post about fresh realms with your negative comments :rofl:

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I guess to some the truth can be seen as negative :woman_shrugging:

they probably aren’t gonna happen in my region. I already only have two servers and pve one is empty

true for all servers without RDF

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