Just the Two of Us: 2200

oh gross i never knew that was a tabard i thought it looked like a really crappy leather chest mog

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I get it. You want Glad mounts to be special. I understand. I’ve gotten Challenge Mode gear on my Lock and Priest. Of course I didnt automatically get them unlocked for all classes that I didnt play…since I didnt earn it on them.

I feel like if I had a cool Glad mount like one of the Drakes from BC, or Cata Drakes…I’d want to be able to use it on any char I have.

At the end of the day, that player still achieved a feat. And as long as they arent going around spreading false information like “I got this mount on X char”

Let people enjoy the game. It is a game after all.

Dont lose sleep over seeing some rando on an alt, on a mount.

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there was a bug or something where you could spend your first week conq cap on the primal tabard regardless of rating or if you had the rating from the last season of mop or something

wild and warmongering are inverse of eachother factionwise

like wild ally is blue and horde is red
and warmong ally is red and horde is blue

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I’m missing like 20+ elite piece appearances from mop. I had the original enchants from every mop season so idk why they aren’t illusions. Hell I probably have the weps with enchants in my bank. Blizz doesn’t care.


Yea it’s super tilting to not get what I earned. My first 2200 was during this period of time. I still have the weapon enchanted in my bags. It makes no sense to me it was called the 2200 enchant not the duelist enchant lol. Just give me my :poop: already good lord.


mop enchant and elite sets were 2200 iirc

yea. It’s pretty dumb. I was a whole whopping 100 rating higher than 2200, so prestigious. Such an earned illusion.

Bigger joke IMO, is that the 2400 enchant from WoD I never earned, but I have access to the illusion thanks to it being “duelist” and not 2400. Lmfao.

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Tbh I think its better to give it to the people who got it twinking 2s as well as those who earned it legitimately than to keep people who earned it from using it.

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Jesus lmao… it’s so annoying when I think about it or see a thread and think about it again. It’s like damn cant you guys just give me my enchant jesus. It’s not like it really matters besides looking cool.

Yep, given the seasons Duelist requirements gave it to previous inelgible players as low as 1.9k IIRC in the 3v3 bracket. Giving it to all who have the 2.2k + acheivements for the applicable seasons, only serves to benefit people.

Apperntly it doesn’t work in ranged weps anymore. I tried it and the only thing I can put it on is my green polearm.

Also they nerfed the appearance big time. Doesn’t look that cool anymore compared to what it used to be imo.

They nerfed it in legion season 3 because people couldn’t handle it being used in the raid. Makes me really upset.

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Bimp gg please fix

anotha one

There wasn’t. The elite armors were different colors for horde and alliance but the enchant was always the same.

Bloody, primal, demonic, dread, and shadow are the enchants from pvp.

2.2, 2.4, 2.4, 2.1, and 2.1 respectively was the ratings needed to earn to acquire.

Were 2k in MoP.

I feel ya, still running off the gold I made carrying people in 2s for their red weapons.

This should of been a hotfix a LONGGGG time ago.

I’ve opened countless tickets…

Bottom line, if you got 2.2 (which is what u needed for the enchant) then you should have access to it now.

Makes no sense to change the rule to duelist after the fact since duelist is not what you needed for the pvp enchant.

Anyways, given up on any type of response or consistency from blizzard.


No they weren’t. They were 2200, minus the one season where elite gear didn’t have a rating requirement, but a conquest earned one (Tyrannical)

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2200 was the enchant

2k was elite mog
2.2k for elite weapon/enchant

Maybe we are talking about different seasons. I promise you that, at least the first season, was 2200.

Second season was free. Maybe 2k was a middle ground after.

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