Just the Two of Us: 2200

Anyone who has this in 2s/3s/5s from MoP Should be able to repurchase Enchant Weapon: Bloody Dancing Steel and obtain the illusion. The enchant required 2200 rating to buy and also required a regular dancing steel. You could of got 2200 rating and dropped to 2199 and wouldn’t be able to purchase anymore but they did earn the enchant by hitting 2200… I feel as if people who have the enchant lying around or the achievement should acquire the illusion.


It’s a weird thing for me. Obviously i benefit from it being a MoP duelist, but there were a bunch of 70 twinks and stuff in MoP running around with red enchants while sitting like 1600 on their main. And no way to prove that people weren’t abusing that until after they did that fix / nerf to twinks some time mid-mop. idr when or what the nerf/fix was this is all by memory.

I’ve always related that little bit of trivia to why they’re requiring late-mop duelist rather than simply 2200/ Bloody Dancing Steel in the inventory.

It sucks, tho. Definitely a lot of people who earned it who are getting crapped on by the ruling.


Why would you care about an illusion, lol. There are better artifact weapon appearances for every class.

The problem isn’t the twinks…it’s the people who didn’t even get 2k on anything and have it. Those people shouldn’t get it at all (trade bug) …atleast twinks played RANKED arena which blizzard let them do all of mop. Some twinks kept their bloody in their bag and flexed at 90 what’s the difference… oh I get it some people couldn’t earn it at 90 or on a twink that’s why they don’t want them to get it

expecting consistency from blizzard?

A lot of people from EU and NA want this.


he prolly wouldnt get it so he doesnt care, typical.

I bet you got that enchant on a level 70 twink god bless

no there’s no “at least” with twinks. smurfing in an unregulated joke bracket to get rewards isn’t good for anyone.

it’s the same with twinks who have their hero of the horde /HWL / GM and stuff. because there was no policing over trading those brackets.

I do wish more people could have their bloody enchant, but twinks aren’t one of them. That’s not earned.


So the twinks got it for free then?

Compared to the 90s? Yes. Disregarding the trade bug ofc.

There was also a problem with twinks getting actual titles IIRC. Like hitting a rating threshold then leveling to 90 and sitting.

The Glorious Tyranny illusion is one of the best looking illusions you can get in game.

BFA Pvp Enchant is incredibly lame. That purple is not dense. But the red enchant?? Its on the same level as mounts, titles, mogs that are no longer available. When people see a Red glow, its a “Oh, you played way back when.”

Its a flex. You’d need to earn the enchant back then to really appreciate it, and to understand why people want it.

I have a few bloody dancing steels in my bank as well…Luckily, Ive also played late MOP and I currently have the illusion, so I dont have this problem.


let bloody dancing steel die in peace


ya I understand that it’s ranked. there was MMR and team rating. I also remember looking at the ladder and being like ‘woah who the hell is playing ret above 2700’ (or whatever the rating was. front page of ladder.) and lol it was a twink.

Playing @ lv 70 with incomplete spellbooks in an unregulated bracket to earn rewards bypassing the actual endgame content is stupid. I’ll advocate for people who played MoP @ 90 all day. I’ll never say twinks should be given max level rewards just because their joke of a bracket was “ranked.”

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idk when i see someone with red or green enchant riding out on a glad drake at 1.6-1.8 cr its pretty cringe to me


i agree, but I also see people with current glad mounts in the 1600 bracket so it’s all just wtf to me. 2s is wild.


It was a joke of a bracket. Just like arena today which is so fact paced and Takes SO much skill. It’s funny because no matter how bad you trash talk it… it was ranked at the end of the day and it’s just a DUELIST reward… like I wouldn’t even care about the enchant if they made better duelist illusions. But mop duelists act as if their illusion was so hard to get… it’s a duelist reward bro. We have the achievements it just makes no sense that a s1 glad or hero(mop)doesn’t get their illusion because it’s s14 s15 (s3 s4 mop) duelist required

So you pretty much?

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i dont have red/green enchant and i dont ride out on my glad drake and im not wearing my 2.4 tabard. do what u want but i will still silently judge the other teams cr if what their wearing says they can play better

How do you feel about BFA Glads with their purple enchants then?

Lmao. Petty.