Just the Two of Us: 2200

purple enchant was earned at 2.1 so idc if i see it on people at 1.8 its stil early season

They also need to add a solo Q system… f LFG

you makin a sandwich with that jelly?

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do u? i really hope u dont mog it when u queue 2s, feeling cringe seeing some1 with 2.4 enchants at low mmr/cr is because i respect the enchant and it feels like they bought it when they wear it at that low

i dont q 2s

saw a dude riding around oribos on the malevolent mount as a monk

literally one monk in NA got gladiator that season, and it wasn’t that dude
it hurt a bit

undo that change please it’s okay

IIRC, Enchants were earned at 2200. Tabards, 2400. Glad (prior to BFA) higher than that.

Not much of a difference between 2.1, and 2.2k…

You’re interesting. You say…

Then turn around and say…

And lets not act like people arent washed up. As much as I’d love to believe…Im not the same player I was in my Wrath-Cata-Mop days. Im 30. My time has passed.

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Legion enchant was 2400 im pretty sure

its changed drastically last few expansions, i cant remember mop i know there was a blue duelist enchant and a red enchant but i dont know the cr requirement for it, tabards were 2.5 in mop
i dont think wod had tabards or enchants
legion enchant was 2.4 and tabard was 2.2
bfa tabard was 2.4 and enchant 2.1

Hmm. Did something change? I know a few friends of mine are able to ride their Glad mounts on Alts of theirs… Last expan in BFA, and this current season.

That’s what I mean

some dude riding around on a glad mount from a season where nobody actually played monk is lame

I didnt play Legion or Wod unfort. Im not sure.

Wod had an enchant, it was/is Blue. Not sure if they had a tabard.

Now that I think of it, I actually think Wrath tabards were 2300.

Like I said previously, Im old now. xD

i think wrath tabards were 2.5 actually or 2.4

They were 2.3

I dont understand why you think its lame…Or, why you really care in the first place.

I highly doubt that guy is walking around claiming he got Glad on his monk that season. Probably just likes the mount.

My Wrath tabard, my Red enchant, my Arena Master title…I’ve achieved it all on my Shadow Priest. I wear it on my lock, and my alts…because I like it.

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u right, 2350
that just felt low to me

they changed depending on the season. idr what the rating was based off of. Wrathful was 2350, for example.

WoD had tabards you see the primal one around a lot.

wow what a dumb post


Less than like 10 people hit 2200 on a monk that season, and most of them were carried in RBGs.

The mount change is lame because it’s supposed to be proof that you were capable of hitting it on that character, in that season. In the same way elite sets are.

That’s gone now, and I think it was a poor change that takes away any prestige behind seeing it.

Nobody here has ever supported the idea of letting people have elite sets for all their characters when they hit the rating in any given season, the glad mount’s no different.

Unique shinies are literally all the game has left to offer anymore.

You could call it…Trash. :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))