Just so you know we're playing nerfed Classic

I agree with OP, raids need to be tuned to the phase/difficulty we are currently experiencing.

Making raids as hard as they were supposed to be shouldn’t be a problem for anyone. Not sure why some oppose it.


Post MC.

Ony and MC are literally babbies first Raid.

Also; way to ignore the complete context of what I wrote - Like I said, the raids are not the end game. Getting your damned set gear to drop, even after the “optimization” that prevented unusable gear dropping, was the real killer. If you weren’t prepared to spend every week for months running the same raids, then you shouldn’t have raided in the first place.

They weren’t always. And they shouldn’t be treated as such either. At one point MC was THE raid. Trivializing it to be LFR is a travesty.

As for the rest, the game will be played different by different people. But 1.12 is not indicative of the overall Vanilla experience.

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Yes, it was “the” raid. And then it was on farm and we moved on. Ran it with alts. Got drunk and loled our way through it in TS and Vent. It was “the” raid for months and months and it was boring af and we were glad to be done with it.


Listen dude, I still have my vanilla character so you can call me whatever it is you want.

Doesn’t change any of the facts that you guys are blatantly ignoring.

I think you need to read that staggeringly massive list of nerfs to raids and dungeons


We try. Endlessly. And all we do is get shouted down by the retail idiots. And anything we do get Blizzard just half @sses it so we get even more flak from the retail idiots about how everything is super easy. Why even bother? We’re already at the point where its become obvious that professions like blacksmithing are not needed anymore. Its becoming retail.

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Staggering massive list of minor nerfs that Velquez posted and conveniently left out all the buffs to boss abilities and nerfs to player talents and abilities that happened over the course of Vanilla as well.

Here’s an example: (2005-06-07): Firesworns that are moved too far away from Garr will now become quite enraged until they move closer to Garr.

Another example:

The maximum range of the Wrath of Ragnaros spell has been increased.


I swear TS didn’t exist till sometime after TBC. Was either you sit in Ventrilo, shut up and let the raid leader and/or officer yell at you for more dots. Or you weren’t a part of the 40 man raid. No DKP for you.

I just don’t understand why anyone bothers to reply to any of the people currently on the forums, continually doing their best to bash what other people have said a while ago. We are too busy getting on with our lives, and doing what we consider fun.

Not sitting on the forums, going into every thread saying “LOL U WUZ WRONG ADMIT IT, SHIZZ WASNT HARD AND AINT GONE BE”

Ignore them, they the salty ones. For reasons unknown and I frankly don’t care.

Just care enough to point out they are the fickle ones.


TS has been around since 2002, my friend :slight_smile:

We used to run Vent for raid, and TS for guild. Sometimes both at the same time.

Say what you want, don’t have time or desire to argue.

The game at 1.1 was much harder than 1.12. There’s not really much to debate there.

Though I only pvp, easy raiding means more losses to bad players who outgear the absolute Hell out of me. Oh well

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Well it was always Ventrilo. Cuz I actually paid for two of the servers myself :wink:

Teamspeak I guess was for the console kiddies. But it doesn’t matter we never used it, nor needed to.

I honestly never owned a console until the PS4.

But our GL paid for the Ts server and one of our allied Guilds Gl paid for the Vent server. It worked out quite well, because we could explain mechanics to the newbies in TS, while the raid leader set up the pull. Cut down on pull time.

Was a bad joke towards the CoD community, when it was actually on the PC.

And we just had seperate channels in Vent for things you have listed. I had my own channel everyone liked during the original Zul’Aman raids for the “DJ Meg during bosses trip”.

The nerfs were minor. APES one shot Rag in greens. Lets stop deluding ourselves. Okay, pre-nerf, they might have had 10 instead of 20 people below 60 in order to kill it and half greens My god they one shot the last boss in the tier. Stop making excuses for the game. It was enver about mechanical complexity. It is a joke.


The only joke here is people on the forums expecting a result of all their whining. It ain’t getting rolled back. Or changed. There’s literally nothing you can do about it that will affect the outcome. You could quit, that would probably help you personally, but it still won’t change anything.

Thats the plan for me. Bought a 6 month sub… was super hopeful but I shouldve known better this is just the retail version of classic. Asking for a refund or just partial refund at this point.

I am sure you are right about how difficult many of the retail raids are, but for me, coming back to WoW after a long absence, I was never able even to get to any of the pre-Cata raids except twice as more or less a spectator (WotLK and BC) … so difficulty for me, as more of an Adventurer than a Raider, is about the quest mobs and just the open field grinding mobs … to practice before joining Classic I rolled a warrior in retail and lvled from zero to 47 in 3 1/2 days, about 35 hours, without any guild or guide for lvling , here I have rolled a warrior and have lvled from zero to 22 in about 40 hours BUT WITH a LOT of help from guilds, guides, videos and many deaths along the way … this is a different type of “difficulty” we are debating … I respect those who know the game so well and have the skills that they can level right past or through the Classic pre-raid content … I only hope, this time, I even get to the endgame content … for me, that is the type of difference between retail and classic … but BOTH are all good, just a different focus, imo

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I’ve already discussed this a lot after the classic announcement and during development, and don’t feel much like beating a dead horse. Suffice to say I completely agree, while I enjoy the game and am having a ton of fun I think basing it all on 1.12 did Vanilla WoW (and newcomers who never experienced it) a huge disservice and produced a very inauthentic experience for everything pre-phase 6.


Because the entirety of the game exists inside instanced dungeons…
