Just so you know we're playing nerfed Classic

its very off and I dont have any way of proving it but I remember leveling mana casters in 2005 and it would take 100 years just to get your mana back if you were IN combat. out of combat was the same.


Retail might have instances where you need CC but that’s only on like +6 of whatever after you’ve already ran through the lower difficulties a million times. Seeing or beating content is not a reward. In original Vanilla, you had to invest hours and hours getting good enough gear/attuned/resist to even allow you inside a tough instance and you couldn’t complete it without CC.
In Classic every instance has been a pull and aoe spam
I agree with OP. This ‘Classic’ is a nerfed Vanilla

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I bet if you look at the subscription numbers at the time, there were more players after 1.12 than before. Probably peaked sometime in litchking, but thats just a guess. So my point is, boo hoo August 2006 version over November 2004. 1.75 year difference. Who cares

As a warrior… i die about 5-6 times a day. Thats enough for me. Its plenty hard enough.


Patch 3.0.2, I remember it like it was yesterday. Most guilds hardly stepped foot in Sunwell, then Wrath hit.

Classic wow was never difficult to begin with it only seemed that way because it was new and we had no Idea what we were doing. With statements like this I truly believe none of you played vanilla when it came out and just played on PS’s, vanilla was made to be the most mainstream MMO ever made as of that time MMO’s were very hardcore and very time-consuming. Looking back and trying to remember something we as humans tend to always see the good and sometimes our mind just makes things up or picture things in a whole different way to see something positive when there was nothing there to begin with.


Remember, back in 2004, we had single core, slow pos machines compared to nowadays. That affected a lot of peoples gameplays too. Most just hit up the local internet cafe to use their machines. I was there at the internet cafe, but mostly playing counter strike or Gunbound or command and conquer Generals.

What should be taken from all this is…don’t read forums or wowhead, World firsts were 14 years ago. Make classic your own experience whether you are new to it or veteran. Don’t let some no lifer neck beards who’ve had 15 years of practice get you down or ruin your experience, because for sure they have defeated the point of playing the game for what it is. World firsts and speed runs, leave that to retail and anyone that really cares. Server firsts during TBC-MoP was respected, WoD was difficult as well on the heroic / mythic raiding part. Legion…lol, people soloing current raid bosses. At least the content in legion was / is > BFA.

Also, wowhead is just loaded with tips, tricks, etc etc that I will not read. I’d rather ask chat or be in a group and find out for ourselves. Datamining has ruined a lot of content. Take the WoD mounts from the timewalking vendors, was there really a need to tell people that these were going to be put into game? NO. Just say, there will be a WoD TW event vendor in Ashran, that is it.

“MMO’s were very hardcore and very time-consuming.”


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remember Ultima Online? LoL now that was time consuming.

I am genuinely shocked that people actually believed that MC would be difficult. The last boss of the current retail raid has more mechanics than all of MC put together. It doesn’t matter what patch it rolls out on, people just understand how to play the game better.
MC might provide a challenge if you are/were an LFR raider but that’s it.


LMAO no they don’t. They know how to play the game exactly the same as the hardcore players before them. There are more mechanics in retail but you have more ways to deal with those mechanics, in Classic you have less mechanics and less ways to deal with the mechanics. Just the mobility alone in retail vs classic is like night and day. Hardware was a major factor as well, put a retail hardcore raider on a 2004 computer and watch them die to 6 fps. Better yet put them on 2004 internet and watch them die to lag as they stood in something.

You take a hardcore raider from 2004 and give them 2019 hardware and a strategy guide on a Retail Mythic boss and they aren’t going to have any more issues than today’s hardcore raiders. You’re delusional to think the players were any less skilled back then, with the tools and circumstances they had they were every bit as good as current raiders.

Retail wow raids have become “throw everything at them” and it’s simply not fun. Which I think is what the appeal of Classic raids are, they are simple but fun.

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Classic is based on a late-2006 patch, not 2005. That’s the problem, a lot of us remember leveling through 2005 but there were significant changes later that, by patch 1.12 which Classic is based on, made a big difference.


Well said. Luckily my memory sucks more these days.


I’m also guilty of feeling let down by 1.12. I was disappointed by the news partly for this reason, and I’m still having a blast, but hearing about people skipping gearing up for MC to complete it without a full raid or even all 60s was a big wakeup call and reminder that we got nerfed classic until naxx.

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The notion that they “skipped” gear was overblown.

The tanks where geared from what i read. That was all that really mattered, even back then.

Plus they used the MC trick (which was available in vanilla)

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But was an enormous pain in the butt, meaning pro guilds can do it, but most of us would have a lot harder time.

Why not post on your classic character

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With pleasure! Leveling has gone slower for me then id have liked (on herod ._.)

Yeah the pvp is real

Actually its more of the login que lol.

Probably missed out on at least 8-10 hours of game play.