Just scrap covenants now




if the people you play with demand fealty to the rubbish of minmaxing, as opposed to, oh iunno, being a prescient player who avoids fire patches and knows how to interrupt in a sequence with others, you should find new people to run with.


I gave 3 ways they could fix this. Easiest way to not lock people into a Covenant. The quickest way is to make the abilities you get cosmetic or useless so that choosing a Covenant does not feel forced.

I promise you people will be running Min/Max Covenant builds in Mythic. Imagine having to roll 4 Rogues with each Covenant to max level and gear to swap out depending on which ability is useful or not for a particular boss.

Imagine being told to sit on progression because one Covenant ability is better for this boss vs the other. This is how WoW works.

I am telling you after nearly 2 years of utter hell with BFA and this system I know how this story ends.


I really donā€™t think itā€™s going to be as big a deal as some are making it out to be. Even if your chosen covenent isnā€™t simmed as good as another, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be able to find groups and friends to run the content with.

That said I do understand the struggle. I recently found this guild full of cool folks, who do care about me getting in that +10 each week, and who brought me to raids even after being a clear undergeared carry. But it certainly took a while. All I can say is keep trying, there are cool groups out there for you.


Yes. Because no matter how well-intentioned it is, as long as M+ and Mythic tournaments are decided by fractions of a second and everyone watches that, the 100% ability will be meta and the 98.8% will be garbage.

Thatā€™s how playerbases are. Even people who will never see the benefits of the meta will cling to a meta. And a meta exists because of the need to squeeze every scrap of efficiency from a build.

We have seen this behavior for literally WoWā€™s entire lifetime.


They arenā€™t going to do this - it is a basic feature of the expansion.

Not everyone watches that or cares about that sort of thing.

Do you really believe itā€™s necessary to min-max that hard for a +10 or a Heroic raid?

Yeah so was Azerite until they realized you had no choice and had to redesign the entire mess which lost them half their playerbase it seems and took over a year to fix.


Go play another game. I dont thing WoW is your cup of tea

Covenants looks great.

Min-maxer are always gonna cry about balance ,had one guy blow a circuit because pyro blast was nerfed by 2 % , why bother with these players? They will never be happy .


We still have azeriteā€¦

Do I?

F no.

I am not also not the majority of pug groups.

This is only going to matter for people who are being paid to play this game. Everybody else is gonna choose the covenant they want and thatā€™ll be that. Anybody else discriminating based on covenant is probably not very fun to play with anyway.


Pug groups are its own toxic world and one Iā€™ve always been very reluctant to step my toes into. Guilds are always the best way to go with this sort of thing. I wouldnā€™t run the content at all without one.

Considering people were spec-locked for half of legion because of Artifact Power and people were NOT happy, I can guarantee you people will not be happy when they get spec locked because they chose the wrong Covenant.

The example image they showed was of a Warriorā€™s Covenant skill from Kyrian. Itā€™s great for Arms and Fury, but it gives pretty much nothing for Prot.

Likewise, Iā€™m sure there will be the general covenant abilities that are more suited for Prot Warriors, etc.

Not allowing people to change Covenants is a HORRIBLE idea.


Good thing I care more about immersion than mid/maxing.

Iā€™ll manage. You kids and your toys.


As much as I like covenants, I agree. I can already see people being furious that their main is locked into a particular covenant that isnā€™t as great for their class as another. Itā€™s gonna be a huge train wreck.


Yeah that sounds cute that this only affects Method but if you are in any type of progression guilds these abilities might make a difference on if you spend 4 hours wiping or one shot a boss.

No responsible guild leader in their right mind who does not want MASSIVE turn over will not factor this into their decision making on who sits and who does not.

It is a fantasy to think otherwhise. This is before RaiderIO gets a hold of this which they will take it to a whole other level of ways to exclude people from Mythic plus or become a massive burden on your group.


We know just about nothing about it. At least wait until we know more.

That doesnā€™t sound like my guild at all.