Just saw the launch trailer on twitter, are we actually getting half orcs?

It’s almost like they’ve been underground for a while.

Nope. I just actually have played all the games and know who is who and what is what unlike you people.

half-humans hype!!

Faerin Lothar didn’t exist in any previous version of the game or external media. Are you maybe confusing her with a different character?


No, blizzard is allergic to money now for some unknown reason.

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No. She was originally a HE. And HE was a knight who had blonde hair, greenish eyes and used a lance, sword and shield. Now this retcon is as bad as saying Rey is actually a Skywalker and we are all supposed to believe it. That’s what happens when people who didn’t make the story are trying to finish it now.

I’ll give you another example of how the current team does not know the lore…Taunka and the Horde. You ever heard of how they joined the Horde during the Veterans of the Wrathgate questline? Of course you didn’t. That was with the old dev team. They did that and intended for the Taunkas to come into the Horde for Cata.


I don’t know whether to laugh or have an aneurysm at reading this.

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Can i get a Peter Griffin “OMG who the hell cares” Gif here :smiley: The LORE is whatever the hell the writers say it is. If you don’t like it, well Misery seems like a movie that would be a PERFECT way to describe you as a fan.

Don’t give the person with a tenuous grasp on reality ideas >_>

What? i am just saying, if the writers where driving in a snowy road, and had a crash, and the FIRST person they saw was the “your lore is wrong fix it” they would likely end up locked in a cabin until they did. Or in the ending of Misery, a satisfying ending.

This forum is going to go into meltdown mode begging for skinnier models if we get harronir as an allied race

I wish they were uglier. Atm they just look like chunky nelves.

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From what I saw on wowhead the only thing I would like is for Blizz to increase their head scale. Right now it looks like a peanut on top of their necks.


So…was this like, in another timeline? Where was that said? A story, a book, a comic, an old NPC, in the initial design documents for TWW? What’s your source on that, or is this like a Mandela Effect kind of thing?

I vaguely remember that. I don’t know if cut potential content counts as “not knowing the lore”.

In spite of your rude tone, I do believe you are correct about all of that.

With Garona, I distinctly recall her being a half orc/human hybrid.
Physically she makes sense to be that. Humanoid form, green skin and small tusks but she’s a bit smaller than most female orcs.
Garona is human-sized, taller than a human female by just a bit but smaller than a female orc.

Then they decided (around the time the movie came out, iirc) that Garona was half orc, half draenei which does not make sense.

Spacegoats are taller than orcs or at least some of the females are just as tall but I think even the smallest spacegoat female is taller than an adult male orc.

I’m not even mentioning the lack of tail or the leg shape.

I wish they hadn’t have changed it up for Garona. It made sense before, now not so much.

Iirc, it was ingame. I also remember this vaguely, a long time ago when I was goofing off in/around Ungoro crater when that was the place you leveled normally.

I bet he’s confusing Faerin Lothar and Anduin Lothar


Could have fooled me, honestly.

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No reason to be. Idiots that look for racism anywhere and everywhere will in fact find it because they themselves are in fact, the racists. They will see race when in fact someone is asking a legit question cause of ignorance of story or lore. No, they cant consider that. They see a black character and thats as far as they can go cause ideology will not let them consider anything else. They are the racists.

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I looked all over WoWHead, that does have legacy NPCs in it, Classic and retail, and I don’t see a character named Faerin or Lothar, there’s also been zero discussion of another NPC or version of the character that I could find. Whatever character you guys are remembering was probably someone else.