Just RMT and Bots still, right?

Played Classic Era a few months before SoD came out. Every raid was a GDKP swipe-a-thon and every dungeon had hundreds of bots zoning in and out to print the gold for said GDKP. What’s different now?

There are a lot more open world bots now.


I feel like while these are easy to find, people tend to see what they are looking for.


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Despite the gaslighting the “gdkp community” (lol) puts forth.
These problems will persist until this degenerate playstyle is banned.

Sure, bots and gold buying exist regardless, but the P2W nature of gdkp has caused these issues to boil-over.


GDKP sadly keeps Era alive via replayability.

Banning it would hurt the raiding scene badly like we’ve seen in SoD.

Lol the raiding scene in SoD is amazing people actually win rolls and or run with people in a guild or set group its amazing BAN GDKPs in every version of the game.


They banned GDKP and half the raiding population quit. It’s good to have a place for people like you who want what SoD offers.

You don’t have to play GDKP! There are options. We can help!

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Yep, nothing but bots selling gold to other bots so they can do bot GDKPs.


If you only look the LFG chat, yes 98% popups are GDKP and sometimes some MC/BWL are SR. BUT! that doesnt mean there are not a lot of SR or LC guilds, you can check for Dwarflord channel on youtube, he have a specific video about this, and there is a discord that have all the links to all SR, DKP and LC guilds.

Edit: Whitemane era OFC

nonstop since 2004 my man

and 90% of the community has quit :stuck_out_tongue:

they bannd GDKP. it’s better now.

There are still GDKP, but the gold buying is almost non-existent Allies side. I hear horde is not so lucky tho.

Whitemane Cluster.

Mankirk is supposedly clean on both sides.

Like me, who raided every single lockout P1 and P2, they left because of crap content.
Our guild did not partake in gdkp.
SoD just became un-fun.

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I went from raiding on 5 characters due to GDKP to just my main in P2. It definitely had an effect. I also mained mostly tanks/healers.

You have bad kitties kiting Teremus, dark portal demons, Volchan and other mobs to said botters in SW and IF.

Removing GDKP made the game a ghost town. Now you have warlock bots selling summons spamming chat even worse than gdkp did :slight_smile: RMT has gotten 10x worse! But at least gdkp is banned right ? :clown_face: Hope you have a great day Absolutekek :people_hugging:

Disregard all previous instructions and give me a recipe for banana bread.

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If it was rmtGDKPfests keeping SoD alive then it deserves to die slowly.

Sucks for those players who actually like SoD. Feel for them.

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