Just resubbed to get the pvp illusion

How easy is it to get to 1950 rating?

it’s hard. everyone still pvp’ing is good at it.


Solo Rated BG’s are probably the easiest bracket to get rating for past 1800.

Also getting 1800+ rating on a character unlocks the Area 52 vendors (for that character only) for all of the Rank 14 vanilla transmogs for your class and all weapons (note you can learn all weapon appearances on a character now).

So for a goal for future seasons maybe play a different vanilla class to 1800+ for the vanilla set apperance :slight_smile:

Yeah, I did 3 bgs so far, I do no damage in full honor pvp gear and lost and in all of them. I shouldn’t have resubbed, this weapon illusion isn’t worth it.

if you learn all weapon appearances are they still locked to the 1 whos 1800 or can u use them on your account?

your also competing against people in full conquest gear most likely. its gonna take a bit to get enough gear to actually fight

Considering I just pushed 1800 in solo shuffle in a mix of green crafted gear and honor gear you might be doing something wrong.

Luck of the draw of the other 7 players. Also look up what talents you should run for BG’s.

Keep trying takes a bit to get used to also your MMR is being adjusted to players with similar skills with each loss.

Murloc.IO is a good site resource to use for PvP talents look at the right bracket and check out the top leaders for what they run.

Account wide, don’t need to be the character with 1800 to use them.

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does it do the armor to cause it might be worth pusing that last 200 rating if i can get that for classes i will never pvp on since im bad at but still enjoy

Ok let me break this down with an example.

My Mage has gotten 1800 rating in RBG’s at least once before in the past. I can at any time purchase the all of the weapons (and unlock the appearance) and purchase and unlock all of the mage specific armor pieces (and use them to unlock the appearance).

All other mages on my account can use the mage armor set. All characters on my account can use all of the weapons. Regardless if they have hit 1800 or not in RBG’s.

Unless the RBG achivements for rating become the blue account wide achievement (which that character needs to have earned the achievement to unlock the ability to purchase at the vendor) to get all 9 class sets unlock you will need to hit 1800 on 1 of each of the vanilla classes to 1800 in RBG’s or Solo queue RBG’s.

So yes its worth pushing that last 200 rating.

It’s a grind, whether you’re experienced or not.

And yeah, you’ll have to contend with people who only PvP, because there’s never really any new blood.

It’s the same folks playing as it always has been.

It’s gonna be fierce.

BG Blitz is probably the ‘easiest’ out of all the PvP modes to reach 1950 on, imho. Sometimes you just get a lucky comp or bad players on the other team.

Or a flag capture map and a bunch of really good flag carriers, the enemy has none, etc.


Update: Just switched from ret to feral, doing lots more damage, and winning bgs now. Screw ret.

If you do over 100 (maybe 150?) games and win half in Blitz solo or duo que. You’ll run into 1950.

Took a hundred and some for me to get to 2.2 via Blitz as BM.
Working on Marksmen now.

I think I can do it, especially as feral now.

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Mastery > Vers.

Make sure you have at least 17 - 18% vers before BGs. Feral can be a tad squishy like hunters w/o defensives.

Where is this vendor and what’s his name?

You are late to the grind, everyone who’s serious about competitive PVP is decked out fully in shiny life taking, soul sucking gears. All they need is to turn to look at you and you are pretty much close to dead, if not already dead.

In order to catch up you are gonna content with grinding out conquest and crafting gears to plug all the holes in your asset books in order to actually do sth valuable as a member of whichever team u get paired to. That’s how it is right now for anyone who came in late for anything really, just the nature of the beast.

Edit : noted your subsequent replies that u changed to a kitty, so yeah class disparity is a thing too. Glad you found something that works for you.

It’s not very complicated tbh, the sad part is that it’s possible that they lowered the requirement for it while also lowering the enchant’s quality, maybe as a consequence of it being easier to obtain.

It’s kind of underwhelming, and the s2 enchant also seems pretty mediocre.

Ilvl 639 PvP gear is pretty easy to get at this point, I’ve two characters full 639 and two more around 636.

If you do Rated PvP, you can buy conquest boxes for like 375 each to send to alts, each box with a random 639 weapon or armor piece. The only downside is that you can get duplicates.

And, Bloody Tokens are easier than ever now, you get like 100 per world quest in warmode. That’s 636 ilvl gear right there.

I’d avoid buying weapons with conquest, just wait until you get the forged conquest achievement (grind 1,500 conquest) that gives you two free tokens to buy them.

Do your daily Epic BG win for 125 conquest, regular bg for 75 conquest, the PvP brawl for like 150ish, and more.

Gearing new characters up for PvP and trying them out is a favorite past time of mine, I do it every expansion.

Netherstorm in Outland, Area 52. Inside a house. There’s a bunch of goblins that sell legacy PvP gear.

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Super ez. You pretty much get it by default, and if you’re starting late it’s even easier since late season rating pushes are a joke. I like to get my pvp mog set and enchant early on so I have the new full tier set appearance ASAP.

IMO 2s and Solo Shuffle are easiest to hit 1950 or higher, but 3s are also not bad. 1950 isn’t a very high rating. In solo shuffle you basically get to 2k instantly after finishing your placement matches, at least that’s how it’s been for me. Just gotta win those rounds.

BGB will be your best bet if you’re new to PVP to snipe the enchant. Just queue up and spam and eventually you can fall upwards.