"Just Reroll Alliance" is NOT a valid solution

Here are your options; stay the course, reroll or quit


blizzard will intervene, the question is when

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Wallowing in their self pity. Woe is me…

The Ally martyr complex is super entertaining.

Sorry Horde. Everyone knew these cg wait times would happen. Especially if you played original tbc.

I am just shocked that activision has not monetized faction change yet.

He’s trying to. Lots of horde are trying to. Everyone is telling them to re-roll, when you and everyone damn well knows it’s much more difficult to take all your invested time and start over, it’s easier to just quit.

You’re right you shouldn’t have to expect 30 horde waiting for you a summoning stone, so why not let them join you the alliance side? Wouldn’t you want a level 70 with the ready to play status on ur side, vs a freshly level 1 created from scratch?

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As long As they get to continue with the pity party.

Transferring to a more evenly populated server is easier than refilling.

Classic WOTLK


15 mins are actually the perfect queue time… gives you time for fishing, herbing, dailies, walk AFK for soda/bio etc… catch up on twitch.

In classic I was Alliance and the downright instant queues actually wear you out. Can’t ever walk away from the battlemaster for a single thing.

I’ll be real with you guys, I think having a 50 minute queue is way better than having all your questing zones SHUT DOWN during prime time.
I literally can’t move in Nagrand right now without being swarmed by a bunch of 70s zooming down on me to gank me.


This is not rocket science, if you pick the line with more people in it, you are going to wait longer to get in. Works this way everywhere. Why is this such a difficult concept to comprehend?


I didn’t wait in any lines when I created my horde character

Nah ally have to deal with horse camping fps, quest givers… it’s fair reroll or stop crying


I’m going to be very angry if I don’t get my way.

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people keep bringing up specific pvp realm problems, not related in any way at all to BG queue times

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Yes, because it is not all about your experience, realm, or needs. Ever think that any change would impact ALL realms, including PvP realms? It is completely fair to bring up how something might impact PvP realms, they are also playing this game.

Oof. Not constructive, friend. C’mon now.

describe to me how pvp realms will be negatively affected by either horde vs horde BG’s OR faction transfers

Shorter queues would reduce the total number of players in the open world, entirely changing the dynamics of World PvP for some realms.

Right now on many PvP realms, the Horde are in World PvP because they can get honor, this impacts play style, leveling, questing and traveling in the open world, make the queues quicker and you impact the current environment of World PvP on many realms

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isnt every alliance like you complaining that there are TOO many horde in open world pvp ganking you? wouldnt getting the horde in BG’s have a positive affect on world pvp balance?


All of this is true and agreeable inside a vacuum. The issue is how we get about there, via mercenary mode, faction transfers, etc. would disrupt the TBC experience for others.

I cant believe so many are posting about literally a non issue, just think guys, eventually enough horde are going to quit, that the numbers are going to even out, and thats only going to be good for the game, because maybe we can alter the timeline finally, like sylvannas is a bad person and she is just a reflection of what a mindset like the horde brings. #rewritehistory guys