You made an illogical statement with no basis to back it. You were fishing for specific responses to create an argument, you can’t make one to begin with because you have zero matrial to work with - other than your emotion. yet you still continue to persure it, because as I said, you need someone elses basis in order to use yours.
Its quite simply all you’ve brought to the forums since you’ve shown up.
Drasoul is another poster who brought this to light as well.
Leave your emotions at home and you’ll find you have literally nothing to say and have not had anything to say
We could go further to say affirming a disjunct, but what does it matter. It’s a like you talking about your favorite football team but knowing none of the players
You aren’t trying to figure out anything. You’ve been given plenty of possible reasons. Yet continue to persue your own reasoning being (no pugs to stomp). That’s already been shot down by the fact there were 8 wsgs up daily before pvp launch, with few premades at all, a few small groups, and solo players. People ranked in wsg before the change and no one complained.
So with this information you till claim “no pugs to stomp” and still have nothing to base that on. We are all still waiting for proof of that.
Do i want to go from my full bis shaman with a bank full of thorium nades, mortars, all reflectors tidal charm sappers discombob rays magic dust etc, to my cold forged hammer priest, in order to “stomp pugs”?
Who knows why people arent queing, i wasnt quing when ptr is up and now im playing hc. If wsg starts popping ill log over and start ranking my priest. If it doesnt pop oh well. Ill keep playing hc
No, I am legitimately trying to figure out why the real pvpers aren’t queueing wsg right now where the real pvp happens. Have you thought about creating a discord full of likeminded individuals? It might make it easy to find more real pvpers to queue wsg with.
I’m not making any arguments. See previous post explaining how you don’t know what a logical fallacy is. I’m just asking the simple question: why aren’t the real pvpers queueing wsg right now?
Some are - as previously mentioned had some good games last week with various OG classic players on both sides, horde had a premade running and some alliance stack was snipping them (there were actually 2-3 games going)
Reasons why I think people aren’t queuing:
Ranking - honor is better in AV, I don’t think I need to elaborate.
Quality of games isn’t always great when the pool is so small, i.e. AV rankers got lost, playing the same ppl
Games don’t always fill, which deters players from queuing up again
Not everyone has characters
-Also a thing where if there’s 0 games, people log on, see 0 games, log off, go on to other things etc. aka a bit of a snowball effect
All in all, for myself, I don’t really care to sit 20 minutes for a game to pop to have a 5v10 or some really bad game. We got into one where it was literally 1v10, only one horde spawned.
It’s not a pug stomp thing for a lot of people that genuinely enjoy the BG - in fact I think people wish there were more pre-made on the opposing side so to have competitive games while still queuing with their friends, which is what we do - we wait to snipe a “premade” or a strong group.
Yes, but they have a discord full of real pvpers. They could easily fill a queue if they stopped queueing for AV, which is weird because AV isn’t pvp and they’re real pvpers. They often make claims on here like they can get 200k honor a day easy in wsg.
People don’t solo queue wsg because the honor is bad when you lose and the games can stall. It’s high risk and that’s not acceptable for more casual players. Doesn’t explain why the real pvpers aren’t queueing wsg since they are all in queue for av for at least 5 or 6 hours a day since they’re ranking up and wsg is where real pvp happen. WHERE ARE ALL THE REAL PVPERS