Just remove solo shuffle

I’m a rdruid main now, and I can tell you I called months before dragonflight that it was going to be strong. The tree gave it away.

Right over your head but hey that 2100 didn’t do much for you when I clapped those cheeks in wpvp. Stay salty

Haha okay bud. I don’t know how you wpvp a level 60. But okay. Congrats!

I said I clapped your cheeks in wpvp I didn’t say when. Stay salty homie.

This has been happening in 2s and 3s for years.

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Shuffle ain’t going anywhere. Its insanely popular right now.

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Dude is just upset that casual player’s now have a reason and are able to get what he had to pay real money for last expac.

You seem pretty upset that you are still continue to make comments on the post. It seems you’re mistaken. I personally don’t pay for a single month of game time or expansions. & on top of that I know you’re broke irl talking about money. Try making 750k in 6 months and then come talk to me.

Don’t forget you’re 1600 every season.

the reason it’s less skilled and just button mashing is because dampening starts so high. it gets to a point where it’s unhealable so quickly that the only thing that matters is damage.

if there was no dampening at the beginning games would be and feel a lot different.

I haven’t played in 3 weeks the game just doesn’t have the pull for me anymore.

Don’t worry if I play I will. Does it bother you that I don’t make the effort to go any higher than 1800 Kyle?

Lol and you think I’m upset. Stay salty Kyle.

Kyle? My name isn’t even Kyle. Buddy you been commenting on here for days. It’s like kinda hilarious now. 1800 is still s*hit can bracket. I wonder how badly you’re in debt and how much your life sucks. I hope it gets better for you. Enjoy the forever ignore and stay 1600 where you belong. Thank you.

They needa remove the shuffle part and just have solo que for all rated stuff. ALL OF IT!

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I been saying that, but most people say “if you don’t like it why should they remove it” lmao

This x1000!!!

oh no whatever will I do. /gasp :rofl:

somebody big mad.

male karen

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: 1600 in area but 2100 at making you salty.

RSS is a great addition. It needs some fixes.

Ban/ranked ban leavers - 10 games left at match 4 or higher in the last 30 days? 7 day ban. 20? Ranked season ban. Make 6 dps 3v3 lobbies possible. Remove faux God complex healer syndrome from RSS. With the “I AM GOD WORSHIP ME I’M A HEALER” attitude removed, RSS stonks to the moon.

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I keep hearing people wanting this but to me, as someone who both heals and dps in arena, this seems like a really bad idea. I feel like these games would suck more than having a healer.

The problem in RSS atm is that healers are holding games hostage, AFKing through rounds to spite people/force them to lose, and have a general God complex when it comes to themselves in RSS. This leads to chain leaving, long queue times, griefing, and sabotage.

The solution is to remove their necessity, and allow games to play without them. 2-4 is a loss, 3-3 is a push, 4-2 is a win.

Instantly fixed.

I really don’t think 3v3 without healers would be that much fun.

I’d rather have a less-fun environment than a toxic environment where 2 players have complete control over the other 4.