Just put all of the ring gems on vendors now, it's clearly a failed patch already

I’m going on 14-15 kills with no gem.

I gave up last night and went to bed hoping it would be hotfixed by morning.

nope. still broken.

i had an update this am when i logged on. i just did every event as it popped up once (they all came up one after the other) and every event granted me the gem on the first kill. not sure why its bugging for some but check for an update if u haven’t. might help but idk. gl

“It worked perfectly fine for me. I don’t know why the tons of other people it didn’t work for are complaining.”

Empathy is perfectly fine. You can support other people instead of trying to find fault with what they say and try to get Blizzard to fix the problem.


I call BS - I did the island on 7 toons between Tuesday and Friday, and got the exact same 4 gems on each and every single one of them. After the patch this morning, I started seeing the other gems actually dropping.

Immediately after the hotfix.

By “tons” you mean the OP?

If they feel it’s bugged they can submit a bug report, and yes, as I said, at least one is bugged.

As far as I know, the elemental needs to be near the back of the cave, otherwise the drop breaks. It’s kinda hard to control since it charges around randomly but if most folks stay near the back it tends to work out.

You only need to do it on one toon then you should be able to buy them on alts from vendors.

For me it now sits in cave we get him down to 14-10% and he kicks us out and resets, also contribution table shows him as completed and will not let me use any points to trigger him. I will try it on different toon maybe it is shard my hunter is stuck on that is buged.

That one I haven’t seen, that seems like a proper bug.

It always says “The cave is on the verge of collapse!” when it’s pulled but that’s about the only thing, outside of it not dropping the gems when near the cave entrance.

Yes it was only me that had the issue, clearly not “tons,” posting here and on WoWhead… I totally imagined it all

Wrong - even without hunters present he bugs out.

That whole event and cave is a mess - in the contribution phase, the table will allow then disallow contributions as well as display different rewards before the event triggers; when the event triggers, it may show up on the map and have a chat announcement only to disappear and trigger another chat announcement several times before the cave actually opens up; and the cave opening itself will display open then closed in sequence while the opening countdown is still progressing; when fighting the boss, sometimes chat will display the ‘cave is collapsing’ message and the entire group will get ported out.

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Not wrong. It just so happens it’s not the only way he resets.

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I tried on different toons this is freaking nightmare, there is always that one guy standing at entrance baiting him to charge and as soon that happens it bugs out. Maybe if log in at 2 am and try to solo it will work. Right now it is a no go.

To be fair, the gems were not timegated in DF forbbidden reach to this level. In fact, tryna be like “use this new circlet” as DPS/tanks when you were forced to slot a heal gem was… not smart by the devs. Its a good thing they fixed it

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Yep, if they insisted on timegating then the first three should have all been stat gems of some sort. Those benefit every class and every spec.

Then they could have added the proc gems down the road, although based on prior tuning I expect to see a lot of buffs and nerfs

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That’s the only thing that would make me get a ring. I have no desire to do a bunch of boring isle chores. I don’t like this content.


I feel killing the rares for the gems is fine.

We don’t need to just be handed everything. How dare Blizzard expect us to put minimal effort into new gear!

it would be fine if it actually awarded the gems, but right now it doesnt and for many people it is literally impossible to get these gems because the world quest is bugged


I can’t even tell if the rings even good, I got all my bis gems yesterday and used it in raid but it really didn’t seem to be a noticable difference.

Part of the siren isle meta, for the mount. Collect all citrines.