Just put all of the ring gems on vendors now, it's clearly a failed patch already

It’s just laughable that their main focus of this patch was the ring and it started off badly received with timegating. Then even when they listened a few days later the extra gems aren’t even all obtainable due to a bug.

Yes there may be a hotfix today, we’ll see, if not then I would suspect by Tuesday they may figure it out. But at this point just try to gain some good faith back and say “hey you know what this didn’t quite work out all gems are available on the vendors today!.”

People will still have to do some tasks on the isle to earn the currency to buy the gems, and weekly to upgrade the ring so the isle won’t be totally ignored.


You seem upset.


annoyed is the word

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what, you don’t like doing the same event 50+ times trying to get a gem?


Dunno what everyone is doing wrong. I got them immediately.

After the hotfix went out, I managed to get all the gems within about 30min. I didn’t buy the 2 off the turtle though because apparently they’re bugged for the achieve ATM.

I got the ring and a few gems on one toon. It’s chillin’ in my bags where it kind of hasn’t even earned the bag slot it is taking up.

We’ll see if next week (or whenever changes are made) makes it more worth my time. If not it’s probably time for a break until 11.1 because I’m not interested in being a part of this steaming pile of content to be able to get groups until the next patch.

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I got all the gems and started doing the quest for the bird, but I am not getting any keys. I think it is because the storm might need to reset to be active, so I have absolutely no idea what you are on about timegating.

I am sure I will start finding them eventually.

Having expectations :wink:

This whole “i need it right this minute even though im not putting it to use until monday!!!” mentality just doesnt make sense

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We were supposed to run keys!

Expectations yes, of doing a world quest and getting the reward for said world quest. Who says I wouldn’t be using it today if I had it? The bugged one gives secondary stats for a lot of specs it’s the best for that slot.

What achievement?

people aren’t doing it wrong, it’s bugged. you got lucky, it does work some small percent of the time

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Are you raiding today?
Pushing m+?
Do you need it today to overcome a hurdle you couldnt overcome without it?

No? Okay. So its not needed. If it takes 2-3 days longer, inside the same reset, its not the end of the world. Its a 6 week upgrade process anyway.

You’ll be okay

I have my main in Area 52 and it didn’t look busy when I started yesterday, usually there are more players out and about.

Instead of another zone to open up they should have started Plunderstorm instead.

If feels like a Nazjatar and Mechagon mixed together zone, because I remember all the grinding I had to do to open BFA flying during Shadowlands and it was not fun.

The side projects like Plumderstorm and Remix I think is better paid resources then a grinding chore to open flying in a zone you won’t visit again after you finish.

There’s 2 achieves you need them for. One is for the achieve itself. The other is for a subsequent meta achieve that requires that achieve. The meta achieve awards a mount:

Hot fix went last night and took very little time doing the mini events for the 2 we all want. I think 30 minutes of running the Siren Isle circle for them to rotate up. If it was a vendor we would be complaining about the drop rate of the currency to be able to buy them. I rather enjoy not feeling like I need to bother with the content daily.

As far as I know the earth elemental event is the only bugged one: I had to kill that one a few extra times.

I’m not sure what you’re complaining about? It takes like 40 minutes to get the remainder of the gems.

I’m upset the guy that drops stat gems is buged, i cant use points to contribute for him to spawn, when someone else manages to get him to spawn he either don’t drop gem or just bugs and resets at 10% hp.

If you’re talking about the azerite rare, he resets if any hunter has their pets taunt him. You need to make sure hunters disable pet taunt.

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