Just Played New World For An Hour

Mmm… No. New World ain’t Skyrim, because Skyrim has mods. :thinking:

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I’ve been looking at New World since it launched and watching people play it. The game looks interesting but I don’t like that it only has 1 playable race at launch and no idea if there will ever be more. Its based in an alternate history and on an island with magic and fantasy creatures. The fact that it only has humans to play as makes me rather hesitant to play it. I’m also not the biggest fan of there being no classes. Classes are a huge part of character identity but more importantly they allow for more and unique abilities. To me, NW just seems a bit lacking in options. It is new, so maybe they will add these things in the future. For now though, I’m just very hesitant to buy it for the reasons above as well as some other reasons. I do enjoy watching people play it for now and it does seem like a good idea to start early and get involved with the economies of the game but I may just wait a bit longer. I’m still undecided. Maybe if they announce more playable races and abilities I’ll play it.

if you’re looking for a mmo that has races and classes, new world isn’t like that, it’s very pirate themed, and is basically doing better what arche age tried to do but failed

How is the RP over there?

I’m not going to judge the success or fun of the game with its launch statistics within the first few months. I’ll see where its at early next year. New World has an aesthetic that a lot of players are looking for in an mmo, but it is lacking in the options players can choose from to play the game. I don’t think the 1 playable race and lack of classes is really going to work out long term for the game. Even if they don’t want to do classes, there needs to be more abilities and not everything linked to weapons. There needs to be more character identity. Not only that, everyone seems to look the same in the game. The character creation feels very lacking. It may appeal to a certain audience but I’m afraid its not going to appeal to the overall mmo community.

does walking past people blasting Rick Astley from their open mic count as roleplaying to you?

lol what are those number going to tell you about the game? i played eve online for 12 years, best made mmo on the web ever made, only has 100,000 subs, you can’t base what fun is based on how players migrates from mmo to mmo

It is extremely fun in spite of plainly grindy elements for now. My concern lies more with longevity. It doesn’t seem like small companies were given any thought, missions are too repetitive (especially PvP), and invasions are a bit exclusive, even the PvE invasions.

There is a great foundation to build upon, I think, that is going to have to shift design focus away from only the massive, territory-owner companies.

That doesn’t make sense though. New World is not built like a game meant to capitalize on WoW’s disgruntled playerbase. It was originally a brutal full-loot PvP MMO, then it got changed to a PvP game with PvE and crafting but it’s still mainly a PvP game from what I understand.

The game I most expect to profit from WoW’s misfortunes is the League of Legends MMORPG. They have a lot of ex-WoW devs on their team so they would know best how to replicate WoW’s best feats while avoiding its mistakes, and Riot already has an excellent track record for competing with Blizzard.

I think they were former WoW players while also developers. The same thing with FFXIV developers. They’re former WoW players and just created improvised on their product.

To be honest any mmorpg can profit from WoW these days. WoW’s no longer a competitive mmorpg to look up to anymore especially with the recent events.

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I bought it yesterday night. During the download I looked at some online critiques and I had regret buying it. Then I started playing and all my worries went away ; beautiful graphics and fun combat. If WoW 2 looks like this I’ll be in heaven. After 4 hours of gameplay I’m still excited for the game, but I know I’ll be doing the same thing forever from now on, so I don’t know how long the excitement will last.

edit : I just spent 2 hours dying to the same quest, cannot progress alone it seems.
Think I’m already pissed at that game.

I will say this for New World, saw a bot fishing and reported it and 15-30 mins later it was gone.