Just made my first WoW Character!

Greetings all. New to World of Warcraft. First time I tried the game was for about an hour when the Pandas expansion came out, but it didn’t stick. I’m just trying classic now and I absolutely love it. Currently travelling around in the Barrens which is certainly quite the experience. If you have any tips for a Shaman, would gladly hear them.
Look forward to being part of the community, sorry if this post is in the wrong section?
Cheers! Blighguy


Who asked?

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You’re playing on Nightslayer I see, I’ll be sure to gank you quickly.

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As long as you promise to teabag my corpse.

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you’re allgood brother, welcome to WoW classic.

If at any point you’d like a bit more community feel then consider the Witemane Classic Era server.

If you’re curious about getting on the server just ask.


Stop poaching

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Let me ruin him first.

Are you scared?

Yes, I don’t want you to fill a 4th AV

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Blighguy > :elephant:

I’m going to be honest with you I’d pick another class if you’re new. Not because shaman is hard no class is really hard to play average but because they were insanely boring to level until about 40 which is a huge chunk of the game especially for a new player. If you’re digging it just keep playing and do your thing. It gets a lil fun when you get windfury at 30 or whatever it was.

I’d advise leveling every class to 20 and then picking one. Most classes get cool skills 30-50 so don’t expect them to be filled out that early. You will at least get a feel for each class and really know what you want to play.

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You be quiet.


Sorry Sir!

It’s ok. I’m not going to get offended by a little Gnome. They probably have enough to deal with internally.


Shaman is a good class, highly desired by everyone. Play whatever/however you want.
Theres an optimal speed-path but if this is your first character play at whatever pace will be fun for you.


Welcome! Sorry about the trolls, there are a lot of toxic idiots in this game.

As you level up shaman and get more spells I would recommend getting a fast dagger for your main hand weapon (you can see weapon speed when you mouseover your main hand weapon), apply flametongue weapon to it (a spell you will learn at level 10), apply lightning shield, drop your searing totem, turn on auto attack, and use your shocks on cooldown to do max dps while you level. This applies mostly if you’re leveling as resto or elemental, although as elemental you can also cast lightning bolts.

Make sure you do all your totem quests so you can actually use all your totem types (there is earth, fire, air and water).

Also, for any questions you have wowhead.com is a great source - just make sure you select “classic” at the top so you are browsing the correct version.


We are running 2 minute AV queues on a Sunday evening, just 2 games but they are fun and rolling fast.

Honestly, I might play on era a little when they drop TBC. IDK yet though. My 60 pally is sitting on Whitemane right now so I can hop on if I ever need a break from TBC or MoP.


BiS out the pally.

Holy is pretty easy, but ret takes a long time.

But then you can go ret reck and 1 hit people in WSG, and that is priceless.

I’m a prot enjoyer, he’s already decently geared just sitting there half done. I know if I ever return to era for a while I can start running my own pugs to HR bindings. But Nightslayer is WAY more active, and I can find WPvP at almost any time. And the people aren’t able to get anything higher than MC and rank 10 gear so they’re free eats.