Thanks man!
Unfortunately I’ve been around internet forums long enough to know for every decent contributor, there’s another with a crayon up their nose doing their best to be edgy.
I feel personally attacked.
Try taking the crayon out so it won’t feel so personal.
Are you hitting on me?
They’re just mad that Era won’t die and keeps coming back.
oh my oh dear
Seriously the best advice to anyone. These forums are the worst I’ve seen for any game.
My advice to starting WoW classic is play Warcraft 3 and be mind blown. WoW is an incredible game, but an even better sequel. You will understand so much more and probably realize how epic WoW is by playing W3.
Then all these hyper nerds on the forum start to look really silly. IMO
Shaman is awesome to level. Can heal, faster travel in the 20s with ghost wolf (make sure to get improved ghost wolf in Enhancement talents, with war stomp it gets you out of tough spots), reincarnate later to cheat death and astral recall for extra hearths.
My main advice for any healing class is to save mana to heal yourself instead of using it all on damage spells, and front load your mana usage in a fight to let it regenerate as you melee them down.
Totems are great in groups but can be a mana drain if constantly recast when questing solo
I think Blizzard looks at us like that disease that just keeps coming back LOL.
Blizzard: “How can we still not make a game better than Vanilla WoW?”
Blizzard cant do this because they don’t understand why vanilla is so good. I specifically started playing WoW again in 2019 because of Classic and wanted to understand what made it so good, I also played retail at the same time to see where if anything was improved in retail. I have played nearly every expansion excluding Dragon fail, and I gotta tell ya Vanilla is just weirdly addictive and I think I understand why now.
Should I express that information for blizzard to use? NO, they will have to buy that information and I am thinking maybe it should never be expressed. I doubt they will like the answer, but its a big variety of things; and the “Secret Sauce” if you will was not a masterwork of skill and intuition like I had originally thought… I did interview Kevin Jordan the original Class designer (really nice dude) he even said he got lucky, and I believe it. I think they all did, and it was just a massive amount of real life RNG that made “Vanilla” work out like it has.
The whole package is why it works, but they cant work out why and they cant work out why their “NEW” things are not as good as the original flavor, but I am almost certain I got it figured out; I cant say it was easy to work out, but it was not terribly difficult either. To figure it out you must do the following.
- Put aside what you feel the game needs.
- Play all the Vanilla classes from 1-60
- Do not partake in raids while you’re doing this experiment
- Do not follow any given path or directions, and do not use any addons.
If you can do those things you will see why if you keep an open mind and throw out all you think you know about class design and “What the game needs”
Its a tall order for most, and this is why “Vanilla” has not been replicated since.
Truer words never been spoken.
Preach brother preach!!!
I might come slowly level an alt like that on the Whitemane cluster just to chit chat with ya every now and then!
I too came from a retail only background, came back in 2019 for classic, and said to myself while getting 40 on my shaman at the time, "Wow, Blizzard had such a beautiful game, and then they ruined it 3 expansions later. (Arguably 2 expansions later)
When you do if you play allies Ill give you some bags to get it goin, I have tons of bags on my warrior right now as I keep getting them on drops. My warrior is now level 55
Average incel comment
I’m sure I’ve already ruined you.
If you happen to see this amidst all the tangents because some forums personalities have that ‘Main Character’ mentality.
I played Shaman in the 2019 iteration because some buddies wanted to try Horde. For this expansion some some of the next (if you go Resto/PVE****) it’ll get boring in my opinion. I recall the Vanilla days where I loathed seeing a Shaman in a BG with a 2H. In TBC it somewhat changed because I mained a Druid / Hunter and I’d just kite them if I could (This is speaking on PvP for now) and if they had a Warrior with them I’d turn tail and run because otherwise I’d be walking back with a grey screen.
Just enjoy the game, harness your love for Shaman ~ I loved my Shaman in DaoC…lol. Enjoy the process and not the outcome or re-roll into something else because there’s plenty of options and just come back to what you feel best suits your ‘playstyle’ because at the end of the day; This is a GAME, a release of sorts or an alternate world from which you’re either trying to escape or find enjoyment in.
Stop trying to recruit this poor man to a dead server with nothing but bots and GDKP’ers left.